calibex v0.1.0 Calibex

Calibex allows you to handle ICal file format.

In the same way as the mailibex library, Calibex allows bijective coding/decoding : making it possible to modify an ical and to keep all fields and struct of the initial ical.

The ICal elixir term is exactly a representation of the ICal file format : for instance :

[vcalendar: [[
  prodid: "-//Google Inc//Google Calendar 70.9054//EN",
  version: "2.0",
  calscale: "GREGORIAN", 
  vevent: [[
    dtstart: %DateTime{},
    dtend: %DateTime{},
    organizer: [cn: "My Name",value: ""],
    attendee: [cutype: "INDIVIDUAL",role: "REQ-PARTICIPANT",partstat: "NEEDS-ACTION",rsvp: true, cn: "Moi",
                "x-num-guests": 0, value: ""],

encode/1 and decode/1 parse and format an ICal from this terms : see functions doc to find encoding rules.

Using this terms make it possible to handle all types of ICal files and any fields type. But the downside of this approach is that it can be cumbersome to create and handle this tree of keyword lists. To help you in this tasks, some helpers functions are provided :

Example usage : email event request generation

Calibex.request(dtstart:, dtend: Timex.shift(,hours: 1), summary: "Mon évènement",
          organizer: "", attendee: "", attendee: "")
 |> Calibex.encode



return all available transformation rules. There are 2 types

Decode an ICal UTF8 binary into a tree of keywork list with the same rules as encode/1, but inversed, excepted

Encode a tree of keyworks list with ICal rules

see new/2, default fill_attrs are

  `[:prodid, :version, :calscale, :organizer, :attendee, :cutype, :role, :partstat, :rsvp, :x_num_guests]`

Complete an event keyword list to form an ical nested kwlists : fill_attrs is a list of key atoms describing completion rules to be used

Complete an ical keyword list : fill_attrs is a list of key atoms describing completion rules to be used

same as new/1, but with a REQUEST method in order to allow email request ICS generation. Default fill_attrs contains in addition [:uid,:last_modified,:sequence,:dtstamp,:created,:status]

same as new/2, but with a REQUEST method in order to allow email request ICS generation



return all available transformation rules. There are 2 types :

  • the ones which set a default value if not defined otherwise (DEFAULT)
  • the ones which transform a given value if defined (TRANSFORM)

Available rules are :

  • :last_modified,:dtstamp,:created : DEFAULT to UTC now
  • :sequence : DEFAULT to 0
  • :uid : DEFAULT to all vals hexa sha1 of all event props
  • :status : DEFAULT to :confirmed
  • :version,:calscale,:prodid: DEFAULT to base ical attrs (2.0,GREGORIAN)
  • :cutype, :role, :partstat, :rsvp, :x_num_guests: DEFAULT to standard rsvp enabled attendee, waiting for event acceptance
  • :organizer TRANSFORM an email string into a [cn: email,value: "mailto:"<>email] props value.
  • :attendee TRANSFORM an email string into a [cn: email,value: "mailto:"<>email] props value.

Decode an ICal UTF8 binary into a tree of keywork list with the same rules as encode/1, but inversed, excepted :

  • all leaf values are not decoded: kept as string.

Encode a tree of keyworks list with ICal rules :

  • KEY: [KW1,KW2] a list of keyword list is encoded as multiple BEGIN:KEY\nKW1\nEND:KEY\nBEGIN:KEY\nKW2\nEND:KEY
  • [K1: V1, K2: V2] a keyword list is encoded as lines K1:V1\nK2:V2
  • KEY: [K1, V1, K2: V2, value: VALUE] a keyword list as leaf value is encoded as key value line with props : KEY;K1=V1;K2=V2:VALUE
  • %DateTime{} datetime values are encoded as UTC BasicISO string
  • :atom1 atom values are encoded as upercase string ATOM1
  • :key_1 atom keys are encoded as upercase string, _ replaced with - : KEY-1

see new/2, default fill_attrs are

  `[:prodid, :version, :calscale, :organizer, :attendee, :cutype, :role, :partstat, :rsvp, :x_num_guests]`
new(event, fill_attrs)

Complete an event keyword list to form an ical nested kwlists : fill_attrs is a list of key atoms describing completion rules to be used.

see all_fill_attrs/0 doc to find allowed completion rules.


See Calibex.Helper.new_root/1.

new_root(cal, fill_attrs)

Complete an ical keyword list : fill_attrs is a list of key atoms describing completion rules to be used.

see all_fill_attrs/0 doc to find allowed completion rules.


same as new/1, but with a REQUEST method in order to allow email request ICS generation. Default fill_attrs contains in addition [:uid,:last_modified,:sequence,:dtstamp,:created,:status]

request(event, fill_attrs)

same as new/2, but with a REQUEST method in order to allow email request ICS generation.