View Source CanonicalLogs (Canonical Logs v0.1.0)

Top-level API for CanonicalLogs.

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Attaches CanonicalLogs handlers to Plug.Telemetry events to gather and log metadata at the end of each request.

Filters metadata recursively by replacing values of keys that contain any of the given strings.

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@spec attach(
  event_prefix: [atom(), ...],
  conn_metadata: [atom()],
  absinthe_metadata: [atom()],
  filter_metadata_recursively: [String.t()]
) :: :ok

Attaches CanonicalLogs handlers to Plug.Telemetry events to gather and log metadata at the end of each request.



  • :event_prefix - The event prefix for Plug.Telemetry events. Defaults to [:phoenix, :endpoint].
  • :filter_metadata_recursively - A list of strings to filter out of the metadata. Defaults to []. Any atoms passed to this option will be converted to strings.



iex> CanonicalLogs.attach()
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filter_metadata(metadata, filtered_keys)

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Filters metadata recursively by replacing values of keys that contain any of the given strings.



iex> CanonicalLogs.filter_metadata(%{foo: "bar", baz: %{qux: "quux"}}, ["qux"])
%{baz: %{qux: "[FILTERED]"}, foo: "bar"}
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handle_plug_stop(event_name, map, event_metadata, options)

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