View Source Carbonite.Query (Carbonite v0.14.2)

This module provides query functions for retrieving audit trails from the database.



Returns an Ecto.Query.t/0 that can be used to select changes for a single record.

Returns an Ecto.Query.t/0 that can be used to select or delete the "current" transaction.

Returns an Ecto.Query.t/0 that selects a outbox by name.

Returns an Ecto.Query.t/0 that selects all completely processed transactions.

Returns an Ecto.Query.t/0 that selects the next batch of transactions for an outbox.

Returns an Ecto.Query.t/0 that can be used to select transactions from the database.


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@type changes_option() ::
  | preload_option()
  | order_by_option()
  | {:table_prefix, prefix()}
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@type current_transaction_option() :: prefix_option() | preload_option()
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@type disabled() :: nil | false
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@type order_by_option() :: {:order_by, false | nil | term()}
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@type outbox_done_option() ::
  prefix_option() | {:min_age, non_neg_integer() | disabled()}
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@type outbox_queue_option() ::
  | preload_option()
  | {:min_age, non_neg_integer() | disabled()}
  | {:limit, non_neg_integer() | disabled()}
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@type prefix() :: binary()
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@type prefix_option() :: {:carbonite_prefix, prefix()}
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@type preload_option() :: {:preload, boolean()}
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@type transactions_option() :: prefix_option() | preload_option()


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changes(record, opts \\ [])

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@spec changes(record :: Ecto.Schema.t(), [changes_option()]) :: Ecto.Query.t()

Returns an Ecto.Query.t/0 that can be used to select changes for a single record.

Given an Ecto.Schema.t/0 struct, this function builds a query that fetches all changes recorded for it from the database, ordered ascending by their ID (i.e., roughly by insertion date descending).


%MyApp.Rabbit{id: 1}
|> Carbonite.Query.changes()
|> MyApp.Repo.all()


  • carbonite_prefix defines the audit trail's schema, defaults to "carbonite_default"
  • table_prefix allows to override the table prefix, defaults to schema prefix of the record
  • preload can be used to preload the transaction
  • order_by allows to override the ordering, defaults to {:asc, :id}
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current_transaction(opts \\ [])

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@spec current_transaction([current_transaction_option()]) :: Ecto.Query.t()

Returns an Ecto.Query.t/0 that can be used to select or delete the "current" transaction.

This function is useful when your tests run in a database transaction using Ecto's SQL sandbox.

Example: Asserting on the current transaction

When you insert your Carbonite.Transaction record somewhere inside your domain logic, you do not wish to return it to the caller only to be able to assert on its attributes in tests. This example shows how you could assert on the metadata inserted.

# Test running inside Ecto's SQL sandbox.
test "my test" do

  assert current_transaction_meta() == %{"type" => "some_operation"}

defp current_transaction_meta do
  |> Map.fetch(:meta)


  • carbonite_prefix - defines the audit trail's schema, defaults to "carbonite_default"
  • preload - can be used to preload the changes, defaults to false
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outbox(outbox_name, opts \\ [])

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Returns an Ecto.Query.t/0 that selects a outbox by name.


  • carbonite_prefix - defines the audit trail's schema, defaults to "carbonite_default"
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outbox_done(opts \\ [])

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@spec outbox_done([outbox_done_option()]) :: Ecto.Query.t()

Returns an Ecto.Query.t/0 that selects all completely processed transactions.

  • If no outbox exists, this query returns all transactions.
  • If one or more outboxes exist, this query returns all transactions with an ID less than the minimum of the last_transaction_id attributes of the outboxes.
  • Transactions are not ordered.


  • min_age - the minimum age of a record, defaults to 300 seconds (set nil to disable)
  • carbonite_prefix - defines the audit trail's schema, defaults to "carbonite_default"
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outbox_queue(outbox, opts \\ [])

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@spec outbox_queue(Carbonite.Outbox.t(), [outbox_queue_option()]) :: Ecto.Query.t()

Returns an Ecto.Query.t/0 that selects the next batch of transactions for an outbox.

  • Transactions are ordered by their ID ascending, so roughly in order of insertion.


  • min_age - the minimum age of a record, defaults to 300 seconds (set nil to disable)
  • limit - limits the query in size, defaults to 100 (set nil to disable)
  • carbonite_prefix - defines the audit trail's schema, defaults to "carbonite_default"
  • preload - can be used to preload the changes, defaults to true
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transactions(opts \\ [])

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@spec transactions([transactions_option()]) :: Ecto.Query.t()

Returns an Ecto.Query.t/0 that can be used to select transactions from the database.


|> MyApp.Repo.all()

# Preload changes
Carbonite.Query.transactions(preload: true)
|> MyApp.Repo.all()


  • carbonite_prefix - defines the audit trail's schema, defaults to "carbonite_default"
  • preload - can be used to preload the changes, defaults to false