Cardanoex.Transaction (cardanoex v0.6.3)

The Transaction module lets you work with transactions for a wallet.

Link to this section Summary


Create and send transaction from the wallet.

Estimate fee for the transaction. The estimate is made by assembling multiple transactions and analyzing the distribution of their fees. The estimated_max is the highest fee observed, and the estimated_min is the fee which is lower than at least 90% of the fees observed.

Get transaction by id.

Lists all incoming and outgoing wallet's transactions.

Link to this section Types

@type amount() :: %{quantity: non_neg_integer(), unit: String.t()}
@type asset() :: %{
  policy_id: String.t(),
  asset_name: String.t(),
  quantity: non_neg_integer()
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@type collateral() :: %{
  address: String.t(),
  amount: amount(),
  id: String.t(),
  index: non_neg_integer()
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@type create_transaction() :: %{
  passphrase: String.t(),
  payments: [payment()],
  withdrawal: String.t() | nil,
  metadata: map()
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@type fee_estimation() :: %{
  deposit: amount(),
  estimated_max: amount(),
  estimated_min: amount(),
  minimum_coins: [amount()]
@type input() :: %{
  address: String.t(),
  amount: amount(),
  assets: [asset()],
  id: String.t(),
  index: non_neg_integer()
@type output() :: %{address: String.t(), amount: amount(), assets: [asset()]}
@type payment() :: %{
  address: String.t(),
  amount: non_neg_integer(),
  assets: [asset()] | nil
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@type transaction() :: %{
  amount: amount(),
  collateral: [collateral()],
  deposit: amount(),
  depth: %{quantity: non_neg_integer(), unit: String.t()},
  direction: String.t(),
  expires_at: %{
    absolute_slot_number: non_neg_integer(),
    epoch_number: non_neg_integer(),
    slot_number: non_neg_integer(),
    time: String.t()
  fee: amount(),
  id: String.t(),
  inputs: [input()],
  inserted_at: %{
    absolute_slot_number: non_neg_integer(),
    epoch_number: non_neg_integer(),
    height: %{quantity: non_neg_integer(), unit: String.t()},
    slot_number: non_neg_integer(),
    time: String.t()
  metadata: map() | nil,
  mint: list(),
  outputs: [output()],
  pending_since: %{
    absolute_slot_number: non_neg_integer(),
    epoch_number: non_neg_integer(),
    height: %{quantity: non_neg_integer(), unit: String.t()},
    slot_number: non_neg_integer(),
    time: String.t()
  status: String.t(),
  withdrawals: [withdrawal()],
  script_validity: String.t() | nil
Link to this type


@type withdrawal() :: %{stake_address: String.t(), amount: amount()}

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

create(wallet_id, transaction)

@spec create(String.t(), create_transaction()) ::
  {:error, String.t()} | {:ok, transaction()}

Create and send transaction from the wallet.



  • wallet_id - hex based string. 40 characters
  • transaction - A map with the following structure:
    payments: [
            address: "addr_test1qruzy7l5...nq04es9elzy7",
            amount: %{quantity: 42_000_000, unit: "lovelace"}

  # With asset:
    payments: [
            amount: %{quantity: 1_407_406, unit: "lovelace"},
            assets: [
                policy_id: "6b8d07d69639e9413dd637a1a815a7323c69c86abbafb66dbfdb1aa7",
                asset_name: "",
                quantity: 0

  # With metadata:
    payments: [
        address: "addr_test1qruzy7l5...nq04es9elzy7",
            amount: %{quantity: 1_407_406, unit: "lovelace"}
    metadata: %{"0" => %{"string" => "cardano"}, "1" => %{"int" => 14}}
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estimate_fee(wallet_id, transaction)

@spec estimate_fee(String.t(), create_transaction()) ::
  {:error, String.t()} | {:ok, fee_estimation()}

Estimate fee for the transaction. The estimate is made by assembling multiple transactions and analyzing the distribution of their fees. The estimated_max is the highest fee observed, and the estimated_min is the fee which is lower than at least 90% of the fees observed.



  • wallet_id - hex based string. 40 characters
  • transaction - A map with the following structure:
    payments: [
            address: "addr_test1qruzy7l5...nq04es9elzy7",
            amount: %{quantity: 42_000_000, unit: "lovelace"}

  # With asset:
    payments: [
            amount: %{quantity: 1_407_406, unit: "lovelace"},
            assets: [
                policy_id: "6b8d07d69639e9413dd637a1a815a7323c69c86abbafb66dbfdb1aa7",
                asset_name: "",
                quantity: 0

  # With metadata:
    payments: [
        address: "addr_test1qruzy7l5...nq04es9elzy7",
            amount: %{quantity: 1_407_406, unit: "lovelace"}
    metadata: %{"0" => %{"string" => "cardano"}, "1" => %{"int" => 14}}
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get(wallet_id, transaction_id)

@spec get(String.t(), String.t()) :: {:error, String.t()} | {:ok, transaction()}

Get transaction by id.



  • transaction_id - Transaction ID
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list(wallet_id, options \\ [])

@spec list(String.t(),
  start: String.t(),
  stop: String.t(),
  order: atom(),
  min_withdrawal: non_neg_integer()
) :: {:error, String.t()} | {:ok, [transaction()]}

Lists all incoming and outgoing wallet's transactions.



  • start - An optional start time in ISO 8601 date-and-time format. Basic and extended formats are both accepted. Times can be local (with a timezone offset) or UTC. If both a start time and an end time are specified, then the start time must not be later than the end time. Example: 2008-08-08T08:08:08Z
  • stop - An optional end time in ISO 8601 date-and-time format. Basic and extended formats are both accepted. Times can be local (with a timezone offset) or UTC. If both a start time and an end time are specified, then the start time must not be later than the end time.
  • order - Can be set to :descending or :ascending. Defaults to :descending
  • min_withdrawal - Returns only transactions that have at least one withdrawal above the given amount. This is particularly useful when set to 1 in order to list the withdrawal history of a wallet.