Casex v0.4.2 Casex.Serializable protocol View Source

Protocol controlling how a value is serialized. It is useful to handle custom structs of your app, without that the Casex will be skipped and passed directly to Jason.


The protocol allows leveraging the Elixir's @derive feature to simplify protocol implementation in trivial cases. Accepted options are:

  • :only - encodes only values of specified keys.
  • :except - encodes all struct fields except specified keys.

By default all keys except the :__struct__ key are serialized.

It also returns a compile time dict of the camelized keys in order to increase the speed of the case conversion.


Let's assume a presence of the following struct:

defmodule Test do
  defstruct [:foo, :bar, :baz]

If we were to call @derive Casex.Serializable just before defstruct, an implementation similar to the following implementation would be generated:

defimpl Casex.Serializable, for: Test do
  def serialize(data) do
    {Map.take(data, [:foo, :bar, :baz]), %{foo: "foo", bar: "bar", baz: "baz"}}

If we called @derive {Casex.Serializable, only: [:foo]}, an implementation similar to the following implementation would be generated:

defimpl Casex.Serializable, for: Test do
  def serialize(data) do
    {Map.take(data, [:foo]), %{foo: "foo"}}

If we called @derive {Casex.Serializable, except: [:foo]}, an implementation similar to the following implementation would be generated:

defimpl Casex.Serializable, for: Test do
  def serialize(data) do
    {Map.take(data, [:bar, :baz]), %{bar: "bar", baz: "baz"}}

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serialize(data :: any()) :: any() | {any(), camelized_dict :: map()}