View Source Charon.TokenFactory.Jwt.Config (Charon v3.1.1)

Config module for Charon.TokenFactory.Jwt.

Link to this section Summary


Build config struct from enumerable (useful for passing in application environment). Raises for missing mandatory keys and sets defaults for optional keys.

Get the config for this module from the parent Charon.Config struct.

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: %Charon.TokenFactory.Jwt.Config{
  get_keyset: (Charon.Config.t() -> Charon.TokenFactory.Jwt.keyset()),
  signing_key: binary()

Link to this section Functions

@spec from_enum(Enum.t()) :: t()

Build config struct from enumerable (useful for passing in application environment). Raises for missing mandatory keys and sets defaults for optional keys.

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@spec get_mod_config(Charon.Config.t()) :: t()

Get the config for this module from the parent Charon.Config struct.