Chrome Remote Interface v0.4.1 ChromeRemoteInterface.RPC.Input View Source

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dispatchKeyEvent(page_pid) View Source

Dispatches a key event to the page.

Parameters: type - - Type of the key event.modifiers - - Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8 (default: 0).timestamp - - Time at which the event occurred.text - - Text as generated by processing a virtual key code with a keyboard layout. Not needed for for keyUp and rawKeyDown events (default: "")unmodifiedText - - Text that would have been generated by the keyboard if no modifiers were pressed (except for shift). Useful for shortcut (accelerator) key handling (default: "").keyIdentifier - - Unique key identifier (e.g., 'U+0041') (default: "").code - - Unique DOM defined string value for each physical key (e.g., 'KeyA') (default: "").key - - Unique DOM defined string value describing the meaning of the key in the context of active modifiers, keyboard layout, etc (e.g., 'AltGr') (default: "").windowsVirtualKeyCode - - Windows virtual key code (default: 0).nativeVirtualKeyCode - - Native virtual key code (default: 0).autoRepeat - - Whether the event was generated from auto repeat (default: false).isKeypad - - Whether the event was generated from the keypad (default: false).isSystemKey - - Whether the event was a system key event (default: false).location - - Whether the event was from the left or right side of the keyboard. 1=Left, 2=Right (default: 0).

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dispatchKeyEvent(page_pid, parameters) View Source

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dispatchKeyEvent(page_pid, parameters, opts) View Source

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dispatchMouseEvent(page_pid) View Source

Dispatches a mouse event to the page.

Parameters: type - - Type of the mouse event.x - - X coordinate of the event relative to the main frame's viewport in CSS pixels.y - - Y coordinate of the event relative to the main frame's viewport in CSS pixels. 0 refers to the top of the viewport and Y increases as it proceeds towards the bottom of the viewport.modifiers - - Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8 (default: 0).timestamp - - Time at which the event occurred.button - - Mouse button (default: "none").buttons - - A number indicating which buttons are pressed on the mouse when a mouse event is triggered. Left=1, Right=2, Middle=4, Back=8, Forward=16, None=0.clickCount - - Number of times the mouse button was clicked (default: 0).deltaX - - X delta in CSS pixels for mouse wheel event (default: 0).deltaY - - Y delta in CSS pixels for mouse wheel event (default: 0).pointerType - - Pointer type (default: "mouse").

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dispatchMouseEvent(page_pid, parameters) View Source

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dispatchMouseEvent(page_pid, parameters, opts) View Source

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dispatchTouchEvent(page_pid) View Source

Dispatches a touch event to the page.

Parameters: type - - Type of the touch event. TouchEnd and TouchCancel must not contain any touch points, while TouchStart and TouchMove must contains at least one.touchPoints - - Active touch points on the touch device. One event per any changed point (compared to previous touch event in a sequence) is generated, emulating pressing/moving/releasing points one by one.modifiers - - Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8 (default: 0).timestamp - - Time at which the event occurred.

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dispatchTouchEvent(page_pid, parameters) View Source

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dispatchTouchEvent(page_pid, parameters, opts) View Source

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setIgnoreInputEvents(page_pid) View Source

Ignores input events (useful while auditing page).

Parameters: ignore - - Ignores input events processing when set to true.

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setIgnoreInputEvents(page_pid, parameters) View Source

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setIgnoreInputEvents(page_pid, parameters, opts) View Source