View Source Changelog

v2.0.4 - 2024-04-20

  • Improvements
    • Improve target detection so that setting MIX_TARGET when not crosscompiling does the expected thing on MacOS.

v2.0.3 - 2024-01-18

  • Bug fixes
    • Remove lazy NIF loading. There's an unexplained segfault in a small example program that uses the same strategy. Even though it wasn't reproduceable here, it's not worth the risk. Thanks to @pojiro for investigating.

v2.0.2 - 2024-01-14

  • Changes
    • Fix race condition when multiple processes load the NIF simultaneously that would cause an unnecessary crash.
    • Bump minimum supported version of Elixir to 1.11 since no longer testing with it due to a dependency issue.

v2.0.1 - 2023-10-22

  • Changes
    • Add Circuits.I2C.bus() type back to fix a dialyzer warning on projects that support both Circuits.I2C 1.0 and 2.0.

v2.0.0 - 2023-08-14

This is a major update to Circuits.I2C that removes the requirement to use Nerves or Linux. The API is almost the same and the default is to compile and use the Linux backend, so changes may not be needed.

  • Changes
    • Support alternative backends for different operating systems or for simulated hardware
    • For the Linux NIF, support passing a :retry count to that will apply to all I2C operations. This simplifies dealing with devices with flaky connections.
    • Defer loading the Linux NIF until is called
    • Return error on if the device isn't a real I2C device. This was previously detected on the first operation.
    • For the Linux NIF, return errno numbers rather than their strerr strings when they're unknown. It turned out that the strings could be more confusing that the numbers.

v1.2.2 - 2023-03-24

  • Fixes
    • Add types.h compatibility header to hex package so that host MacOS builds work again.

v1.2.1 - 2023-03-20

  • Fixes
    • Detect I2C controllers that don't support 0-byte writes and revert to the old detection heuristic. This fixes an issue on Beaglebones (AM335x) that caused devices to be missed and kernel warnings to be logged.

v1.2.0 - 2023-03-17

  • Changes
    • Improve device detection by using 0-byte writes on some I2C addresses and 1-byte reads on others. This matches the i2c-tools heuristic and detects at least on more device that wasn't detected before.
    • Simplified NIF by deleting a lot of flexibility that didn't end up being useful. Also moved functionality around so that it could be implemented more simply.

v1.1.0 - 2022-11-16

  • Changes
    • Immediately close I2C bus references after discovery. Waiting for the GC to collect them could cause intermittent failures in rare scenarios where multiple I2C device discoveries are done close together. This likely only affects CI in practice.
    • Remove Erlang convenience functions since no one used them
    • Require Elixir 1.10 or later. Previous versions probably work, but won't be supported. This opens up the possibility of using Elixir 1.10+ features in future releases.

v1.0.1 - 2021-12-28

  • Fixes
    • Properly mark I/O bound functions in NIF.

v1.0.0 - 2021-10-20

This release only changes the version number. No code has changed.


This release only has doc and build output cleanup. No code has changed.


  • New features

    • Add and Circuits.I2C.discover_one/2. These functions are intended for library authors wanting to provide good suggestions or defaults to their users. See the hex docs for more information. Thanks to Bruce Tate for the idea and PR.
  • Improvements

    • The stub I2C implementation is now used whenever MIX_ENV=test. While this is not generally useful for testing code that uses Circuits.I2C, it does prevent accidental use of real I2C buses in unit tests on those systems with real I2C buses.


  • Improvements
    • Add I2C address in hex showing detected devices


  • Bug fixes
    • Add -fPIC to compilation flags to fix build with nerves_system_x86_64 and other environments using the Musl C toolchains


  • Bug fixes
    • Reduce the number of I2C addresses scanned for detection to avoid confusing some devices.


This release should work on Erlang/OTP 20 - 22 and Elixir 1.4 and newer. The CI process has been updated to verify more versions now.

  • Bug fixes
    • Improve error message when bus doesn't exist


  • Bug fixes
    • Fix binary handling in NIF. This fixes segfaults and other errors when run on Raspbian.


  • Bug fixes
    • Fix file handle leak when I2C bus references were garbage collected.


  • Bug fixes
    • Build C source under the _build directory so that changing targets properly rebuilds the C code as well as the Elixir code.


Print detected devices instead of an error.


Minor text updates.

Remove i2c_ from i2c_address and i2c_bus.


Initial release to hex.