API Reference ClickHouse v0.30.2



A ClickHouse client.

A ClickHouse client.

Functions for working with ClickHouse data types.

A protocol to encode Elixir data types into ClickHouse data types.

A behaviour to implement encoding and decoding of ClickHouse queries and results.

An implementation of the ClickHouse JSONCompactEachRow format.

An implementation of the ClickHouse RowBinary format.

An implementation of the ClickHouse TSV format.

An implementation of the ClickHouse TSVWithNames format.

An implementation of the ClickHouse TSVWithNamesAndTypes format.

An implementation of the ClickHouse Values format.

A behaviour to implement a network interface with a ClickHouse server.

An interface to interact with a ClickHouse server via HTTP.

A ClickHouse query.

Sigils for preparing ClickHouse queries.

The results of a ClickHouse query.

ClickHouse produces multiple telemetry events.