Installing Cloak

This guide will walk you through installing Cloak in your project.

Add the Dependency

First, add :cloak to your dependencies in mix.exs:

{:cloak, "~> 1.7.0-alpha.1"}

Run mix deps.get to fetch the dependency.

Create a Vault

Next, create a Cloak.Vault for your project.

defmodule MyApp.Vault do
  use Cloak.Vault, otp_app: :my_app

Configure it as shown in the Cloak.Vault documentation, with at least one active cipher. Note that the :key needs to be a binary, not base64 encoded.

config :my_app, MyApp.Vault,
  ciphers: [
    default: {Cloak.Ciphers.AES.GCM, tag: "AES.GCM.V1", key: <<...>>}

If you want to fetch keys from system vars, you should use the init/1 callback to configure the vault instead:

# Assumes that you have a CLOAK_KEY environment variable containing a key in
# Base64 encoding.
# export CLOAK_KEY="A7x+qcFD9yeRfl3GohiOFZM5bNCdHNu27B0Ozv8X4dE="

defmodule MyApp.Vault do
  use Cloak.Vault, otp_app: :my_app

  @impl Cloak.Vault
  def init(config) do
    config =
      Keyword.put(config, :ciphers, [
        default: {Cloak.Ciphers.AES.GCM, tag: "AES.GCM.V1", key: decode_env("CLOAK_KEY")}

    {:ok, config}

  defp decode_env(var) do
    |> System.get_env()
    |> Base.decode64!()

Create Local Ecto Types

For each type of data you want to encrypt, define a local Ecto type like so.

defmodule MyApp.Encrypted.Binary do
  use Cloak.Fields.Binary, vault: MyApp.Vault

You can find a complete list of available types in the “MODULES” documentation.

Create Your Schema

If you want to encrypt an existing schema, see the guide on Encrypting Existing Data.

If you’re starting from scratch with a new Ecto.Schema, it’s enough to generate the migration with the correct fields, for example:

create table(:users) do
  add :email, :binary
  add :email_hash, :binary # will be used for searching
  # ...


The schema module should look like this:

defmodule MyApp.Accounts.User do
  use Ecto.Schema

  import Ecto.Changeset

  schema "users" do
    field :email, MyApp.Encrypted.Binary
    field :email_hash, Cloak.Fields.SHA256
    # ... other fields


  @doc false
  def changeset(struct, attrs \\ %{}) do
    |> cast(attrs, [:email])
    |> put_hashed_fields()

  defp put_hashed_fields(changeset) do
    |> put_change(:email_hash, get_field(changeset, :email))

This example also shows how you would make a given field queryable by creating a mirrored _hash field. See Cloak.Fields.SHA256 or Cloak.Fields.HMAC for more details.


Your encrypted fields will be transparently encrypted and decrypted as data are loaded from the database.

Repo.get(Accounts.User, 1)
# => %Accounts.User{email: "", email_hash: <<115, 6, 45, 135, 41, ...>>}

You can query by the mirrored _hash fields:

Repo.get_by(Accounts.User, email_hash: "")
# => %Accounts.User{email: "", ...}

And you’re done! Cloak is successfully installed.