View Source Installing Cloak
This guide will walk you through installing Cloak in your project.
Add the Dependency
First, add :cloak
to your dependencies in mix.exs
{:cloak, "1.1.1"}
Run mix deps.get
to fetch the dependency.
Generate a Key
You'll need a secret key for encryption. This is easy to generate in the IEx console.
$ iex
iex> 32 |> :crypto.strong_rand_bytes() |> Base.encode64()
This will generate a relatively strong encryption 256-bit encryption key encoded with Base64.
Create a Vault
Next, create a Cloak.Vault
for your project.
defmodule MyApp.Vault do
use Cloak.Vault, otp_app: :my_app
Configure it as shown in the Cloak.Vault
documentation, with at least one
active cipher. Note that the :key
needs to be decoded from Base64 encoding into
its raw binary form.
config :my_app, MyApp.Vault,
ciphers: [
default: {
tag: "AES.GCM.V1",
key: Base.decode64!("your-key-here"),
# In AES.GCM, it is important to specify 12-byte IV length for
# interoperability with other encryption software. See this GitHub
# issue for more details:
# In Cloak 2.0, this will be the default iv length for AES.GCM.
iv_length: 12
If you want to fetch keys from system vars, you should use the init/1
to configure the vault instead:
# Assumes that you have a CLOAK_KEY environment variable containing a key in
# Base64 encoding.
# export CLOAK_KEY="A7x+qcFD9yeRfl3GohiOFZM5bNCdHNu27B0Ozv8X4dE="
defmodule MyApp.Vault do
use Cloak.Vault, otp_app: :my_app
@impl GenServer
def init(config) do
config =
Keyword.put(config, :ciphers, [
default: {
tag: "AES.GCM.V1",
key: decode_env!("CLOAK_KEY"),
iv_length: 12
{:ok, config}
defp decode_env!(var) do
|> System.get_env()
|> Base.decode64!()
Finally, add your vault to your supervision tree.
children = [
You can now encrypt and decrypt values using your Vault.
{:ok, ciphertext} = MyApp.Vault.encrypt("plaintext")
# => {:ok, <<1, 10, 65, 69, 83, 46, 71, 67, 77, 46, 86, 49, 93, 140, 255, 234,
1, 195, 125, 112, 121, 186, 169, 185, 129, 122, 237, 161, 160, 24, 166,
48, 224, 230, 53, 194, 251, 175, 215, 10, 186, 130, 61, 230, 176, 102,
213, 209, ...>>}
{:ok, "plaintext"}
By default, the first configured key will be used. You can use a specific key to use by referencing its label:
MyApp.Vault.encrypt("plaintext", :default)
Decryption will use the metadata embedded in the ciphertext to decide which configured key to use.
Usage with Ecto
If you want to use Cloak to automatically encrypt and decrypt fields in your
schemas, see cloak_ecto