

  • Updated code to support custom primary keys in CTE. You are no longer required to name your primary keys id. Although id remains the default, you now have the option to use your own keys and data types. Example:

      use CTE,
        repo: Repo,
        nodes: Tag,
        paths: TagTreePath,
        options: %{
          node: %{primary_key: :name, type: :string},
          paths: %{
            ancestor: [type: :string],
            descendant: [type: :string]


  • Added support for nodes with custom primary keys
  • Updated formatter configuration
  • Modified Ecto queries to use dynamic fields instead of hardcoded 'id'
  • Introduced new test cases for products and tags with custom IDs
  • Adjusted existing tests to accommodate changes
  • Updated migration files to include new tables and extensions


  • Finally crushed a sneaky bug that had been hiding out for way too long. The depth was stealthily hanging out in the descendants list and, on occasion, masquerading as one of the descendants if its value matched one of the nodes ids.


This version is introducing major breaking changes. We drop the concept of a CT Adapter and focus on using Ecto, for the core functions. The (in)memory adapter is gone.

Also important: we're going "process-less", simple, streamlined, efficient and maybe a tad fast(er)

This is very much a work in progress, with a list of immediate todos as follow:

  • code cleanup and update the documentation
  • allow the user to define her own:
    • primary key; name and maybe type
    • foreign key; name and maybe type - optional
    • callbacks (l8r)
  • telemetry and better logging
  • mix tasks for generating CT migrations
  • support for "plugins" ..


  • dependencies update


  • code cleanup


  • improved CT tree structure map representation. The node's children are a list now, to preserve their original order - suitable for rendering the tree in UI, etc.


  • convert a CT tree structure to a nested map representation of the tree. This can be used for exporting this data as json, and so on. Thanks @greg-rychlewski


  • requiring elixir 1.11 or newer
  • CTE.Supervisor code cleanup, accepting a name parameter now
  • fix the Memory Adapter example
  • module documentation update; example was old and was missing the depth
  • dependencies upgrade, for main and for the Ecto simple demo app


Minor changes:

  • Dependencies updated to latest versions. New projects should no longer have dependency conflicts when installing closure_table
  • Refactored Memory adapter's delete function (credo recommendation)
  • Updated documentation to reflect that the options passed to the Ecto adapter's move/3 are currently ignored
  • Updated tests to remove some warnings


Major changes, and a couple of significant bug fixes.

  • stable version! w⦿‿⦿t!
  • deleting nodes using option: limit: 1, behave as expected now across adapters. To delete a leaf node set the limit option to: 1, and in this particular case all the nodes that reference the leaf will be assigned to the leaf's immediate ancestor. When using limit: 0, the leaf and all its descendants will be deleted!
  • added tests for ASCII printing for both adapter; memory and Ecto
  • the ancestors and the descendants are returned now using the proper order (based on their :depth value)
  • improved tests for those cases where the outcome is complex or confusing
  • updated dependencies

Warning: please use the move function with care! I believe it will require some refactoring and you'll get an eternal place in the CT's Hall of Fame if you'd like contributing to improving it!

1.0.0 (rc)

This is a new version introducing breaking changes. Please continue to use 0.2.1 for production, until we hit 1.2 unless you know what you're doing =)

  • the CT Ecto demo setup is much friendlier now, and it is also seeding the new database with demo data
  • the labels support functions now
  • the paths returned will always have the depth, as the 3rd element (breaking chance)
  • support for pretty printing trees. Example:
  {:ok, tree} = CTT.tree(1)
  CTE.Utils.print_tree(tree,1, callback: &({&2[&1].author <> ":", &2[&1].comment}))

  Olie: Is Closure Table better than the Nested Sets?
   Rolie: It depends. Do you need referential integrity?
    Olie: Yeah.


  • support for immediate parent or child query #1; introducing the requirements for an extra field, in the tree_paths support table: depth


  • better tests covering the Ecto Adapter example


  • mix config fix.


  • fixing the examples using the CTE Adapter for Ecto - WIP


  • minor text adjustments
  • removing redundant content


initial version