Access Applications

Access Applications define the routes that Access will block.

List Access Applications

GET List Access Applications for an account

GET accounts/:identifier/access/apps

Permission needed: None

Available in:

Access Applications Details

GET Fetch a single Access Application

GET accounts/:identifier/access/apps/:uuid

Permission needed: None

Available in:

Create Access Application

POST Create a new Access Application

POST accounts/:identifier/access/apps

Permission needed: None

Available in:

Update Access Application

PUT Update a configured Access Application

PUT accounts/:identifier/access/apps/:uuid

Permission needed: None

Available in:

Delete Access Application

DELETE Delete an Access Application

DELETE accounts/:identifier/access/apps/:uuid

Permission needed: None

Available in:

Revoke Access Tokens

POST Revoke any outstanding tokens issued for the Application.

POST accounts/:identifier/access/apps/:uuid/revoke_tokens

Permission needed: None

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