Account Load Balancer Monitors

Account-level Monitor configurations. Monitors define whether we check over HTTP, HTTPS or TCP, the status code(s) we look for, the interval at which we check, timeouts and response body matching.

List Monitors

GET List configured monitors for an account

GET accounts/:account_identifier/load_balancers/monitors

Permission needed: None

Available in:

Create Monitor

POST Create a configured monitor

POST accounts/:account_identifier/load_balancers/monitors

Permission needed: None

Available in:

Monitor Details

GET List a single configured monitor for an account

GET accounts/:account_identifier/load_balancers/monitors/:identifier

Permission needed: None

Available in:

Update Monitor

PUT Modify a configured monitor

PUT accounts/:account_identifier/load_balancers/monitors/:identifier

Permission needed: None

Available in:

Patch Monitor

PATCH Apply changes to an existing monitor, overwriting the supplied properties.

PATCH accounts/:account_identifier/load_balancers/monitors/:identifier

Permission needed: None

Available in:

Delete Monitor

DELETE Delete a configured monitor

DELETE accounts/:account_identifier/load_balancers/monitors/:identifier

Permission needed: None

Available in:

Preview Monitor

POST Preview pools using the specified monitor with provided monitor details. The returned preview_id can be used in the preview endpoint to retrieve the results.

POST accounts/:account_identifier/load_balancers/monitors/:identifier/preview

Permission needed: None

Available in:

Preview Result

GET Get the result of a previous preview operation using the provided preview_id

GET accounts/:account_identifier/load_balancers/preview/:preview_id

Permission needed: None

Available in:

List Monitor References

GET Get the list of resources that reference the provided monitor

GET accounts/:account_identifier/load_balancers/monitors/:identifier/references

Permission needed: None

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