Audit Logs

A log of changes made to your Cloudflare account

List User Audit Logs

GET Get audit logs for a user account, filter by who made the change, which zone was the change was made on, and the timeframe of the change

GET user/audit_logs

Permission needed: None

Available in:

  • FREE
  • PRO

List Account Audit Logs

GET Get audit logs for an account, filter by who made the change, which zone was the change was made on, and the timeframe of the change

GET accounts/:account_identifier/audit_logs

Permission needed: None

Available in:

  • FREE
  • PRO

List Organization Audit Logs

GET Get audit logs for an organization, filter by who made the change, which zone was the change was made on, and the timeframe of the change

GET organizations/:organization_identifier/audit_logs

Permission needed: None

Available in: