Custom Hostname for a Zone

Manage hostnames for your zone that are routed via CNAME.

List Custom Hostnames

GET List, search, sort, and filter all of your custom hostnames

GET zones/:zone_identifier/custom_hostnames

Permission needed: #ssl:read

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Create Custom Hostname

POST Add a new custom hostname and request that an SSL certificate be issued for it. One of three validation methods—http, txt, email—should be used, with 'http' recommended if the CNAME is already in place (or will be soon). Specifying 'email' will send an email to the WHOIS contacts on file for the base domain plus hostmaster, postmaster, webmaster, admin, administrator. If http is used and the domain is not already pointing to the Managed CNAME host, the PATCH method must be used once it is (to complete validation).

POST zones/:zone_identifier/custom_hostnames

Permission needed: #ssl:edit

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Custom Hostname Details


GET zones/:zone_identifier/custom_hostnames/:identifier

Permission needed: #ssl:read

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Edit Custom Hostname

PATCH Modify SSL configuration for a custom hostname. When sent with SSL config that matches existing config, used to indicate that hostname should pass domain control validation (DCV). Can also be used to change validation type, e.g., from 'http' to 'email'.

PATCH zones/:zone_identifier/custom_hostnames/:identifier

Permission needed: #ssl:edit

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Delete Custom Hostname (and any issued SSL certificates)


DELETE zones/:zone_identifier/custom_hostnames/:identifier

Permission needed: #ssl:edit

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