Load Balancer Pools

User-level Load Balancer Pools

List Pools

GET List configured pools

GET user/load_balancers/pools

Permission needed: None

Available in:

Create Pool

POST Create a new pool

POST user/load_balancers/pools

Permission needed: None

Available in:

Pool Details

GET Fetch a single configured pool

GET user/load_balancers/pools/:identifier

Permission needed: None

Available in:

Pool Health Details

GET Fetch latest healthcheck details for a single pool

GET user/load_balancers/pools/:identifier/health

Permission needed: None

Available in:

Update Pool

PUT Modify a configured pool

PUT user/load_balancers/pools/:identifier

Permission needed: None

Available in:

Patch Pool

PATCH Apply changes to an existing pool, overwriting the supplied properties.

PATCH user/load_balancers/pools/:identifier

Permission needed: None

Available in:

Delete Pool

DELETE Delete a configured pool

DELETE user/load_balancers/pools/:identifier

Permission needed: None

Available in:

Preview Pool

POST Preview pool health using provided monitor details. The returned preview_id can be used in the preview endpoint to retrieve the results.

POST user/load_balancers/pools/:identifier/preview

Permission needed: None

Available in:

List Pool References

GET Get the list of resources that reference the provided pool

GET user/load_balancers/pools/:identifier/references

Permission needed: None

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