Logs Received

Edge http logs received

Get log retention flag

GET Get log retention flag for Logpull API

GET zones/:zone_identifier/logs/control/retention/flag

Permission needed: #logs:edit

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Update log retention flag

POST Update log retention flag for Logpull API

POST zones/:zone_identifier/logs/control/retention/flag

Permission needed: #logs:edit

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Logs Received

GET The /received api route allows customers to retrieve their edge http logs. The basic access pattern is "give me all the logs for zone Z for minute M" where the minute M refers to the time records were received at Cloudflare's central data center. start is inclusive, and end is exclusive. Because of that, to get all data, at minutely cadence, starting at 10AM, the proper values are: start=2018-05-20T10:00:00Z&end=2018-05-20T10:01:00Z, then start=2018-05-20T10:01:00Z&end=2018-05-20T10:02:00Z and so on; the "overlap" will be handled properly.

GET zones/:zone_identifier/logs/received

Permission needed: #logs:read

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Logs RayIDs

GET The /rayids api route allows lookups by specific rayid. The rayids route will return 0, 1, or more records (ray ids are not unique).

GET zones/:zone_identifier/logs/rayids/:ray_identifier

Permission needed: #logs:read

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GET The list of all fields available. The response is json object with key-value pairs where keys are field names, and values are descriptions.

GET zones/:zone_identifier/logs/received/fields

Permission needed: #logs:read

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