Worker Script

A Worker script is a single script that is executed on matching routes in the Cloudflare edge

Upload Worker

PUT Upload a worker, or a new version of a worker.

PUT accounts/:account_identifier/workers/scripts/:script_name

Permission needed: com.cloudflare.edge.worker.script.create

Available in:

List Workers

GET Fetch a list of uploaded workers.

GET accounts/:account_identifier/workers/scripts

Permission needed: com.cloudflare.edge.worker.script.list

Available in:

Download Worker

GET Fetch raw script content for your worker. Note this is the original script content, not JSON encoded.

GET accounts/:account_identifier/workers/scripts/:script_name

Permission needed:

Available in:

Delete Worker

DELETE Delete your worker. This call has no response body on a successful delete.

DELETE accounts/:account_identifier/workers/scripts/:script_name

Permission needed: com.cloudflare.edge.worker.script.delete

Available in: