Workers KV Namespace

A Namespace is a collection of key-value pairs stored in Workers KV.

List Namespaces

GET Returns the namespaces owned by an account

GET accounts/:account_identifier/storage/kv/namespaces

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Create a Namespace

POST Creates a namespace under the given title. A 400 is returned if the account already owns a namespace with this title. A namespace must be explicitly deleted to be replaced.

POST accounts/:account_identifier/storage/kv/namespaces

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Remove a Namespace

DELETE Deletes the namespace corresponding to the given ID.

DELETE accounts/:account_identifier/storage/kv/namespaces/:namespace_identifier

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Rename a Namespace

PUT Modifies a namespace's title.

PUT accounts/:account_identifier/storage/kv/namespaces/:namespace_identifier

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List a Namespace's Keys

GET Lists a namespace's keys.

GET accounts/:account_identifier/storage/kv/namespaces/:namespace_identifier/keys

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Read key-value pair

GET Returns the value associated with the given key in the given namespace. Use URL-encoding to use special characters (e.g. :, !, %) in the key name. If the KV-pair is set to expire at some point, the expiration time as measured in seconds since the UNIX epoch will be returned in the "Expiration" response header.

GET accounts/:account_identifier/storage/kv/namespaces/:namespace_identifier/values/:key_name

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Write key-value pair

PUT Write a value identified by a key. Use URL-encoding to use special characters (e.g. :, !, %) in the key name. Body should be the value to be stored. Existing values and expirations will be overwritten. If neither expiration nor expiration_ttl is specified, the key-value pair will never expire. If both are set, expiration_ttl is used and expiration is ignored.

PUT accounts/:account_identifier/storage/kv/namespaces/:namespace_identifier/values/:key_name?expiration=:expiration&expiration_ttl=:expiration_ttl

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Write key-value pair with metadata

PUT Write a value identified by a key. Use URL-encoding to use special characters (e.g. :, !, %) in the key name. Body should be the value to be stored along with json metadata to be associated with the key/value pair. Existing values, expirations and metadata will be overwritten. If neither expiration nor expiration_ttl is specified, the key-value pair will never expire. If both are set, expiration_ttl is used and expiration is ignored.

PUT accounts/:account_identifier/storage/kv/namespaces/:namespace_identifier/values/:key_name?expiration=:expiration&expiration_ttl=:expiration_ttl

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Write multiple key-value pairs

PUT Write multiple keys and values at once. Body should be an array of up to 10,000 key-value pairs to be stored, along with optional expiration information. Existing values and expirations will be overwritten. If neither expiration nor expiration_ttl is specified, the key-value pair will never expire. If both are set, expiration_ttl is used and expiration is ignored. The entire request size must be 100 megabytes or less.

PUT accounts/:account_identifier/storage/kv/namespaces/:namespace_identifier/bulk

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Delete key-value pair

DELETE Remove a KV pair from the Namespace. Use URL-encoding to use special characters (e.g. :, !, %) in the key name.

DELETE accounts/:account_identifier/storage/kv/namespaces/:namespace_identifier/values/:key_name

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Delete multiple key-value pairs

DELETE Remove multiple KV pairs from the Namespace. Body should be an array of up to 10,000 keys to be removed.

DELETE accounts/:account_identifier/storage/kv/namespaces/:namespace_identifier/bulk

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