View Source CMS.CacheServer (cms v0.11.1)

For caching results in an ETS table. A single instance of this GenServer is started automatically.

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Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Deletes a table if it exists. Returns :ok or {:error, :no_table}.

Fetches a value from the cache. Returns one of the following

Creates or replaces zero or more tables.

Returns a list of ETS table names managed by the cache.

Fetches all values from the table. Returns {:ok, values} or {:error, :no_table}.

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Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

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delete_table(pid \\ CMS.CacheServer, table)

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Deletes a table if it exists. Returns :ok or {:error, :no_table}.



iex> delete_table(:nonexistent_table)
{:error, :no_table}
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fetch(pid \\ CMS.CacheServer, table, key)

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Fetches a value from the cache. Returns one of the following

  • {:ok, value} if the item is found
  • {:error, :no_table} if the table doesn't exist
  • {:error, :not_found} if the table exists but doesn't contain the specified key
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put_tables(pid \\ CMS.CacheServer, tables)

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Creates or replaces zero or more tables.



iex> put_tables(table_1: [{"key", "value"}], table_2: %{"key" => "value"})
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put_tables_on_all_nodes(pid \\ CMS.CacheServer, tables)

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See GenServer.start_link/3.

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table_names(pid \\ CMS.CacheServer)

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Returns a list of ETS table names managed by the cache.

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values(pid \\ CMS.CacheServer, table)

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Fetches all values from the table. Returns {:ok, values} or {:error, :no_table}.