mix coh.clean (Coherence v0.8.0)

This task will clean most of the files installed by the mix coh.install task.

Projects created with both coh.install and coherence.install can be cleaned with this task. It will auto detect the project structure and remove the appropriate files.


# Clean all the installed files
mix coh.clean --all

# Clean only the installed view and template files
mix coh.clean --views --templates

# Clean all but the models
mix coh.clean --all --no-models

# Prompt once to confirm the removal
mix coh.clean --all --confirm-once

# Clean installed options
mix coh.clean --options rememberable
mix coh.clean --options "registerable invitable trackable"

The following options are supported:

  • --all -- clean all files
  • --views -- clean view files
  • --templates -- clean template files
  • --models -- clean models files
  • --controllers -- clean controller files
  • --email -- clean email files
  • --web -- clean the web/coherence_web.ex file
  • --messages -- clean the web/coherence_messages.ex file
  • --migrations -- clean the migration files
  • --options -- Clean one or more specific options
  • --dry-run -- Show what will be removed, but don't actually remove any files
  • --confirm-once -- confirm once before removing all selected files

Disable options:

  • --no-confirm - don't confirm before removing files



Callback implementation for Mix.Task.run/1.


@spec run([String.t()] | []) :: any()

Callback implementation for Mix.Task.run/1.