Comeonin v2.4.0 Comeonin.Config

This module provides an abstraction layer for configuration. The following are valid configuration items.


bcrypt_log_rounds and pbkdf2_rounds can be used to adjust the complexity, and time taken, of the password hashing calculation. Please read the documentation for the main Comeonin module, which explains why the default values are not always the best values to use.


The simplest way to change the default values would be to add the following to the config.exs file in your project.

config :comeonin,
  bcrypt_log_rounds: 14,
  pbkdf2_rounds: 120_000,

If you want to have different values when developing and testing, you can create separate files for each environment: dev.exs, prod.exs and test.exs, and add the configuration values to the respective file.

For example, in test.exs and dev.exs:

use Mix.Config

config :comeonin,
  bcrypt_log_rounds: 4,
  pbkdf2_rounds: 1_000

And in prod.exs:

use Mix.Config

config :comeonin,
  bcrypt_log_rounds: 14,
  pbkdf2_rounds: 120_000

If you use separate files for the different environments, remember to add, or uncomment, the line import_config "#{Mix.env}.exs" to the config.exs file.



The number of log rounds the bcrypt function uses. The default value of 12 means that 2^12 rounds are used

The number of rounds the pbkdf2_sha512 function uses



The number of log rounds the bcrypt function uses. The default value of 12 means that 2^12 rounds are used.

The minimum number of log rounds is 4, and the maximum is 31.


The number of rounds the pbkdf2_sha512 function uses.