Commanded v0.16.0 Commanded.Commands.Router View Source

Command routing macro to allow configuration of each command to its command handler.


defmodule BankRouter do
  use Commanded.Commands.Router

  dispatch OpenAccount,
    to: OpenAccountHandler,
    aggregate: BankAccount,
    identity: :account_number

:ok = BankRouter.dispatch(%OpenAccount{
  account_number: "ACC123",
  initial_balance: 1_000

The command handler module must implement a handle/2 function that receives the aggregate’s state and the command to execute. It should delegate the command to the aggregate.

Dispatch command directly to an aggregate

You can route a command directly to an aggregate, without requiring an intermediate command handler.


defmodule BankRouter do
  use Commanded.Commands.Router

  dispatch OpenAccount, to: BankAccount, identity: :account_number

The aggregate must implement an execute/2 function that receives the aggregate’s state and the command being executed.

Define aggregate identity

You can define the identity field for an aggregate once using the identify macro. The configured identity will be used for all commands registered to the aggregate, unless overridden by a command registration.


defmodule BankRouter do
  use Commanded.Commands.Router

  identify BankAccount,
    by: :account_number,
    prefix: "bank-account-"

  dispatch OpenAccount, to: BankAccount

An optional identity prefix can be used to distinguish between different aggregates that would otherwise share the same identity. As an example you might have a User and a UserPreferences aggregate that you wish to share the same identity. In this scenario you should specify a prefix for each aggregate (e.g. “user-“ and “user-preference-“).

The prefix is used as the stream identity when appending and reading the aggregate’s events: ““. It can be a string or a zero arity function returning a string.


You can choose the consistency guarantee when dispatching a command. The available options are:

  • :eventual (default) - don’t block command dispatch while waiting for event handlers

    :ok = BankRouter.dispatch(command) :ok = BankRouter.dispatch(command, consistency: :eventual)

  • :strong - block command dispatch until all strongly consistent event handlers and process managers have successfully processed all events created by the command.

    Use this when you have event handlers that update read models you need to query immediately after dispatching the command.

    :ok = BankRouter.dispatch(command, consistency: :strong)

  • Provide an explicit list of event handler and process manager modules (or their configured names), containing only those handlers you’d like to wait for. No other handlers will be awaited on, regardless of their own configured consistency setting.

    :ok = BankRouter.dispatch(command, consistency: [ExampleHandler, AnotherHandler])
    :ok = BankRouter.dispatch(command, consistency: ["ExampleHandler", "AnotherHandler"])

    Note you cannot opt-in to strong consistency for a handler that has been configured as eventually consistent.

Aggregate version

You can optionally choose to include the aggregate’s version as part of the dispatch result by setting include_aggregate_version true.

{:ok, aggregate_version} = BankRouter.dispatch(command, include_aggregate_version: true)

This is useful when you need to wait for an event handler (e.g. a read model projection) to be up-to-date before continuing or querying its data.

Execution results

You can also choose to include the execution result as part of the dispatch result by setting include_execution_result true.

{:ok, execution_result} = BankRouter.dispatch(command, include_execution_result: true)

You can use this if you need to get information from the events produced by the aggregate but you can’t afford to wait for the events to be projected.


You can associate metadata with all events created by the command.

Supply a map containing key/value pairs comprising the metadata:

:ok = BankRouter.dispatch(command, metadata: %{"ip_address" => ""})

Link to this section Summary


Configure the command, or list of commands, to be dispatched to the corresponding handler for a given aggregate

Define an aggregate’s identity

Include the given middleware module to be called before and after success or failure of each command dispatch

Link to this section Functions

Link to this macro dispatch(command_module_or_modules, opts) View Source (macro)

Configure the command, or list of commands, to be dispatched to the corresponding handler for a given aggregate.

Link to this macro identify(aggregate_module, opts) View Source (macro)

Define an aggregate’s identity

You can define the identity field for an aggregate using the identify macro. The configured identity will be used for all commands registered to the aggregate, unless overridden by a command registration.


defmodule BankRouter do
  use Commanded.Commands.Router

  identify BankAccount,
    by: :account_number,
    prefix: "bank-account-"
Link to this macro middleware(middleware_module) View Source (macro)

Include the given middleware module to be called before and after success or failure of each command dispatch

The middleware module must implement the Commanded.Middleware behaviour.

Middleware modules are executed in the order they are defined.


defmodule BankingRouter do
  use Commanded.Commands.Router

  middleware CommandLogger
  middleware MyCommandValidator
  middleware AuthorizeCommand

  dispatch [OpenAccount,DepositMoney] to: BankAccount, identity: :account_number