Getting started

The package can be installed by adding confispex to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:confispex, "~> 1.1"}

Let's define the first version of a variables schema and runtime config with confispex:

defmodule MyApp.RuntimeConfigSchema do
  import Confispex.Schema
  @behaviour Confispex.Schema
  alias Confispex.Type

    "LOG_LEVEL" => %{
         values: [
      groups: [:base]
    "DATABASE_URL" => %{
      aliases: ["DB_URL"],
      doc: "Full DB URL",
      cast: Type.URL,
      context: [env: [:prod]],
      groups: [:primary_db],
      required: [:primary_db]
      aliases: ["DB_POOL_SIZE", "POOL_SIZE"],
      cast: {Type.Integer, scope: :positive},
      default: "10",
      context: [env: [:prod]],
      groups: [:primary_db]
      cast: {Type.CSV, of: Type.Email},
      default: ",",
      groups: [:landing_page],
      context: [env: [:dev, :prod]]

You can read about all possible options in doc about the type Confispex.Schema.variable_spec/0.

Put the following content to config/runtime.exs:

import Config

  schema: MyApp.RuntimeConfigSchema,
  context: %{env: config_env(), target: config_target()}

# application config

config :logger,
  level: String.to_atom(Confispex.get("LOG_LEVEL"))

config :my_app,
  contact_us_emails: Confispex.get("CONTACT_US_EMAILS"),
  database_pool: Confispex.get("DATABASE_POOL_SIZE"),
  database_ssl: !Confispex.get("DATABASE_NO_SSL")

Now, if you run

LOG_LEVEL=info,myemail2 MIX_ENV=prod mix --mode=detailed

you'll see the following report

state 1

Group colors

  • green - group has required variables and they are present and valid. Such color is not present on a screenshot above, we'll make green group later.
  • red - group has requried variables, they aren't present or they are invalid.
  • blue - group doesn't have required variables and always functional, because there is always a default value to which system can fall back.

There are 3 groups in our example :landing_page, :base and :primary_db:

  • :primary_db is not functional, because all required variables weren't provided.
  • :base is functional, everything is valid.
  • :landing_page is functional too, because even if system failed to cast some value, default value is present and it is used.


  • * variable is required in specified group.
  • ? variable is defined in schema, but was not invoked in runtime.exs. It is not an error, just a warning. It might be a desired behavour for your case to have such items, because they may be hidden by some conditions which depend on other variables.
  • variable was provided and it is valid according to schema.
  • - variable wasn't provided and default value is used.

There is a block MISSING SCHEMA DEFINITIONS at the bottom. It simply prints variable names which were invoked in runtime.exs, but not present in the schema.

Let's make everything functional.

Add DATABASE_NO_SSL to the schema:

    aliases: ["DB_NO_SSL"],
    cast: Type.Boolean,
    default: "false",
    context: [env: [:prod]],
    groups: [:primary_db]

Set DATABASE_URL in runtime.exs:

config :my_app,
  # ...
  database_url: Confispex.get("DATABASE_URL"),

and run report with valid values:

LOG_LEVEL=info,myemail2@host DB_URL=postgres://user:pwd@localhost:5432/db_name MIX_ENV=prod mix --mode=detailed

state 2