View Source ConfluentSchema.Cache (confluent_schema v0.1.3)

Cache Confluent schemas on ETS table.

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Return the cached Confluent schema for a given subject. Raise ArgumentError if cache is not started.

Cache the Confluent schema for a given subject. Raise ArgumentError if cache is not started.

Starts cache for Confluent schemas. Must be called before cache is used. Raise ArgumentError if called more than once.

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get(subject, table_name \\ __MODULE__)

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Return the cached Confluent schema for a given subject. Raise ArgumentError if cache is not started.



iex> Cache.start()
iex> Cache.set("my-subject", %{"type" => "string"})
iex> Cache.get("my-subject")
{:ok, %{"type" => "string"}}

iex> Cache.start()
iex> Cache.get("my-subject")
{:error, :not_found}
Link to this function

set(subject, schema, table_name \\ __MODULE__)

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Cache the Confluent schema for a given subject. Raise ArgumentError if cache is not started.



iex> Cache.start()
iex> Cache.set("my-subject", %{"type" => "string"})

iex> assert_raise ArgumentError, fn -> Cache.set("my-subject", %{"type" => "string"}) end
Link to this function

start(table_name \\ __MODULE__)

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Starts cache for Confluent schemas. Must be called before cache is used. Raise ArgumentError if called more than once.



iex> Cache.start()

iex> Cache.start()
iex> assert_raise ArgumentError, fn -> Cache.start() end