View Source Contex.Scale protocol (ContEx v0.5.0)

Provides a common interface for scales generating plotting coordinates.

This enables Log & Linear scales, for example, to be handled exactly the same way in plot generation code.


  # It doesn't matter if x & y scales are log, linear or discretizing scale
  x_tx_fn = Scale.domain_to_range_fn(x_scale)
  y_tx_fn = Scale.domain_to_range_fn(y_scale)

  points_to_plot =, fn %{x: x, y: y}=_row ->
          {x_tx_fn.(x), y_tx_fn.(y)}

Link to this section Summary


Transforms a value in the domain to a plotting coordinate within the range

Returns a transform function to convert values within the domain to the range.

Formats a domain value according to formatting rules calculated for the scale.

Returns the plotting range set for the scale

Applies a plotting range set for the scale

Returns a list of tick values in the domain of the scale

Returns a list of tick locations in the range of the scale

Link to this section Types

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Link to this function

domain_to_range(scale, domain_val)

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@spec domain_to_range(t(), any()) :: number()

Transforms a value in the domain to a plotting coordinate within the range

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@spec domain_to_range_fn(t()) :: (... -> any())

Returns a transform function to convert values within the domain to the range.

Typically this function is used to calculate plotting coordinates for input data.

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get_formatted_tick(scale, tick_val)

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@spec get_formatted_tick(t(), number()) :: String.t()

Formats a domain value according to formatting rules calculated for the scale.

For example, timescales will have formatting rules calculated based on the overall time period being plotted. Numeric scales may calculate number of decimal places to show based on the range of data being plotted.

@spec get_range(t()) :: {number(), number()}

Returns the plotting range set for the scale

Note that there is not an equivalent for the domain, as the domain is specific to the type of scale.

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set_range(scale, start, finish)

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@spec set_range(t(), number(), number()) :: t()

Applies a plotting range set for the scale

@spec ticks_domain(t()) :: [any()]

Returns a list of tick values in the domain of the scale

Typically these are used to label the tick

@spec ticks_range(t()) :: [number()]

Returns a list of tick locations in the range of the scale

Typically these are used to plot the location of the tick