View Source Contex.SimplePie (ContEx v0.5.0)

Generates a simple pie chart from an array of tuples like {"Cat", 10.0}.

Usage:[{"Cat", 10.0}, {"Dog", 20.0}, {"Hamster", 5.0}])
  |> SimplePie.colours(["aa0000", "00aa00", "0000aa"]) # Optional - only if you don't like the defaults
  |> SimplePie.draw() # Emits svg pie chart

The colours are using default from by names in tuples.

The size defaults to 50 pixels high and wide. You can override by updating :height directly in the SimplePie struct before call draw/1. The height and width of pie chart is always same, therefore set only height is enough.

Link to this section Summary


Update the colour palette used for the slices.

Renders the SimplePie to svg, including the svg wrapper, as a string or improper string list that is marked safe.

Create a new SimplePie struct from list of tuples.

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: %Contex.SimplePie{
  data: term(),
  fill_colours: term(),
  height: term(),
  scaled_values: term()

Link to this section Functions

@spec colours(t(), Contex.CategoryColourScale.colour_palette()) :: t()

Update the colour palette used for the slices.

@spec draw(t()) :: {:safe, [String.t()]}

Renders the SimplePie to svg, including the svg wrapper, as a string or improper string list that is marked safe.

@spec new([{String.t(), number()}]) :: t()

Create a new SimplePie struct from list of tuples.