Couchx.Adapter (Couchx v0.4.14)
Adapter to get basic query functionality into Ecto
with CouchDB
It uses the same as Ecto pattern to config the Dbs with this format:
config :my_app, MyRepo,
username: "username",
password: "password",
database: "db_name",
hostname: "localhost",
protocol: "http",
port: 5984
Couchx supports 1 main repo and many dynamic supervised repos.
A dynamic repo will allow you to have multiple db connections in your application.
To achieve this, you will need to setup a Registry
in the application like:
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
{Registry, keys: :unique, name: CouchxRegistry},
The Restry name is tied up to the code so it must be called CouchxRegistry
The main Repo is configured as any other Ecto Repo, so you can start it in the application just adding it to the children list.
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
Dynamic Repo queries
The dynamic repos are implemente with a Macro that you can get into your repo as:
use CouchxDyncamicTepo, otp_app: :my_app, name: :my_repo
This is used to setup a run
function, with a callback as argument.
To execute actions in a dynamic repo we follow this pattern: ->
MyDynamicRepo.get(MyStruct, doc_id)
Any Repo call inside the callback function will be run in a dynamically supervised connection.
Couchx comes with a Mango index generator.
$ mix couchx.gen.mango_index -r MyApp.Repo -n my-mango-index -f username,email
This will create a file under priv/my_app/repo/index/my-mango-index.exs
with contents as:
defmodule MyApp.Repo.Index.MyMangoIndex do
use Couchx.MangoIndex, repo_name: MyApp.Repo
def up do
create_index "my-mango-index" do
fields: ["username", "email"],
def down do
drop_index "my-mango-index"
The Map inside the create_index
block will be added to the index
json object, so any structure that can go there can be added here.
Currently only supported methods are
create_index(String.t(), (-> Map.t()))
- name: ID and Name for the index to be created in CouchDB, this will be used as
for the document persisted. - fun: A block that returns a formated Map for the index to be created, it will be parsed as JSON to the body of the index document.
- name: Id and Name for the index document to be deleted
$ mix couchx.mango_index
Will add all indexes store under `priv/my_app/repo/index/` paths
$ mix couchx.mango_index.down -r MyApp.Repo -n my-mango-index,my-other-index
It will call down function on the Migration files
Removing the documents from the database.