metadata() = trails:metadata(swagger_map())
parameter_definition_name() = binary()
abstract datatype: parameter_obj()
property_desc() = #{type => binary(), description => binary(), example => binary(), items => property_desc()}
property_obj() = #{binary() => property_desc()}
abstract datatype: response_obj()
responses_definitions() = #{binary() => response_obj()}
abstract datatype: swagger_map()
add_definition/2 | |
schema/1 | |
to_json/1 | Returns the swagger json specification from given trails . |
add_definition(Name::parameter_definition_name(), Properties::property_obj()) -> ok
schema(DefinitionName::parameter_definition_name()) -> #{}
to_json(Trails::[trails:trail()]) -> jsx:json_text()
Returns the swagger json specification from given trails
This function basically takes the metadata from each trails:trail()
(which must be compliant with Swagger specification) and builds the
required swagger.json
Generated by EDoc, Nov 30 2017, 15:18:47.