
A basic example:

config :crawly,
  pipelines: [
    # my pipelines
  middlewares: [
    # my middlewares


middlewares :: [module()]

Defines a list of middlewares responsible for pre-processing requests. If any of the requests from the Crawly.Spider is not passing the middleware configuration on the middlewares key, it's dropped.

Refer to Crawly.Pipeline for more information on the structure of a middleware.

# Example middlewares
config :crawly,
  middlewares: [
    # With options
    {Crawly.Middlewares.UserAgent, user_agents: ["My Bot"] },
    {Crawly.Middlewares.RequestOptions, [timeout: 30_000, recv_timeout: 15000]}

parsers :: [module()]

default: nil

By default, parsers are unused, and a Crawly.Spider's parse_item/1 will be called to parse a fetcher's response. However, it is possible utilize Crawly's built-in parsers or your own custom logic to parse responses from a fetcher.

IMPORTANT: If set at the global, ALL spiders will not have their parse_item/1 callback used. It is advised to declare these at the non-global level using spider-level settings overrides.

Each parser may have additional peer dependencies if used. Refer to the documentation for each parser to know the specific requirements for each.

Refer to Crawly.Pipeline for more information on the structure of a parser.

config :crawly,
  parsers: [
    {Crawly.Parsers.ExtractRequests, selector: "button"},

pipelines :: [module()]

default: []

Defines a list of pipelines responsible for pre processing all the scraped items. All items not passing any of the pipelines are dropped. If unset, all items are stored without any modifications.

Refer to Crawly.Pipeline for more information on the structure of a pipeline.

config :crawly,
  pipelines: [
    {Crawly.Pipelines.Validate, fields: [:id, :date]},
    {Crawly.Pipelines.DuplicatesFilter, item_id: :id},
    {Crawly.Pipelines.WriteToFile, extension: "jl", folder: "/tmp", include_timestamp: true}

closespider_itemcount :: pos_integer() | :disabled

default: :disabled

An integer which specifies a number of items. If the spider scrapes more than that amount and those items are passed by the item pipeline, the spider will be closed. If set to :disabled the spider will not be stopped.

closespider_timeout :: pos_integer()

default: nil (disabled by default)

Defines a minimal amount of items which needs to be scraped by the spider within the given timeframe (1m). If the limit is not reached by the spider - it will be stopped.

concurrent_requests_per_domain :: pos_integer()

default: 4

Indicates the number of Crawly workers that will be used to make simultaneous requests on a per-spider basis.

Each Crawly worker is rate-limited to a maximum of 4 requests per minute. Hence, by default, the number of requests possible would be 4 x 4 = 16 req/min.

In order to increase the number of requests made per minute, set this option to a higher value. The default value is intentionally set at 4 for ethical crawling reasons.

NOTE: A worker's speed if often limited by the speed of the actual HTTP client and network bandwidth, and may be less than 4 requests per minute.

retry :: Keyword list

Allows to configure the retry logic. Accepts the following configuration options:

  1. retry_codes: Allows to specify a list of HTTP codes which are treated as failed responses. (Default: [])

  2. max_retries: Allows to specify the number of attempts before the request is abandoned. (Default: 0)

  3. ignored_middlewares: Allows to modify the list of processors for a given requests when retry happens. (Will be required to avoid clashes with Unique.Request middleware).


           retry_codes: [400],
           max_retries: 3,
           ignored_middlewares: [Crawly.Middlewares.UniqueRequest]

fetcher :: atom()

default: Crawly.Fetchers.HTTPoisonFetcher

Allows to specify a custom HTTP client which will be performing request to the crawler target.

log_dir :: String.t()

default: /tmp

Set spider logs directory. All spiders have their own dedicated log file stored under the log_dir folder. This option is ignored if log_to_file is not set to true.

log_to_file :: String.t()

default: false

Enables or disables file logging. If set to true, make sure to add :logger_file_backend as a dependency to your project.

Here is an example of file logger configuration where logs from different spiders are separated into multiple files:

config :logger,
  backends: [{LoggerFileBackend, :info_log}]

config :crawly,
  log_dir: "/tmp/spider_logs",
  log_to_file: true,
  other configurations

port :: pos_integer()

default: 4001

Allows to specify a custom port to start the application. That is important when running more than one application in a single machine, in which case shall not use the same port as the others.

start_http_api? :: boolean()

default: true

Allows to switch on/off management interface of Crawly, that might be useful if you already have a server and want to use it to operate Crawly. For example if you have a phoenix application you can add the following lines to your router:

  defmodule MyApp.Router do
    use Plug.Router


    forward "/crawlers", Crawly.API.Router


on_spider_closed_callback :: function()

default: :ignored

A function that takes three arguments: spider_name, crawl_id and reason of spider stop. Allows to define a callback function which will be executed when spider finishes it's work.

Overriding global settings on spider level

It's possible to override most of the setting on a spider level. In order to do that, it is required to define the override_settings/0 callback in your spider.

For example:

def override_settings() do
    concurrent_requests_per_domain: 5,
    closespider_timeout: 6

The full list of overridable settings:

  • closespider_itemcount,
  • closespider_timeout,
  • concurrent_requests_per_domain,
  • fetcher,
  • retry,
  • parsers,
  • middlewares (has known bugs)
  • pipelines