Credo.Check.Design.AliasUsage (Credo v1.5.0) View Source

This check has a base priority of normal and works with any version of Elixir.


Functions from other modules should be used via an alias if the module's namespace is not top-level.

While this is completely fine:

defmodule MyApp.Web.Search do
  def twitter_mentions do

... you might want to refactor it to look like this:

defmodule MyApp.Web.Search do
  alias MyApp.External.TwitterAPI

  def twitter_mentions do

The thinking behind this is that you can see the dependencies of your module at a glance. So if you are attempting to build a medium to large project, this can help you to get your boundaries/layers/contracts right.

As always: This is just a suggestion. Check the configuration options for tweaking or disabling this check.

Configuration parameters

Use the following parameters to configure this check:

  • excluded_namespaces: List of namespaces to be excluded for this check.

    Defaults to ["File", "IO", "Inspect", "Kernel", "Macro", "Supervisor", "Task", "Version"]

  • excluded_lastnames: List of lastnames to be excluded for this check.

    Defaults to ["Access", "Agent", "Application", "Atom", "Base", "Behaviour", "Bitwise", "Code", "Date", "DateTime", "Dict", "Enum", "Exception", "File", "Float", "GenEvent", "GenServer", "HashDict", "HashSet", "Integer", "IO", "Kernel", "Keyword", "List", "Macro", "Map", "MapSet", "Module", "NaiveDateTime", "Node", "OptionParser", "Path", "Port", "Process", "Protocol", "Range", "Record", "Regex", "Registry", "Set", "Stream", "String", "StringIO", "Supervisor", "System", "Task", "Time", "Tuple", "URI", "Version"]

  • if_nested_deeper_than: Only raise an issue if a module is nested deeper than this.

    Defaults to 0

  • if_called_more_often_than: Only raise an issue if a module is called more often than this.

    Defaults to 0

Like with all checks, general params can be applied.

Parameters can be configured via the .credo.exs config file.