Credo.Check.Readability.AliasOrder (Credo v1.5.0) View Source

This check has a base priority of low and works with any version of Elixir.


Alphabetically ordered lists are more easily scannable by the read.

# preferred

alias ModuleA
alias ModuleB
alias ModuleC

# NOT preferred

alias ModuleA
alias ModuleC
alias ModuleB

Alias should be alphabetically ordered among their group:

# preferred

alias ModuleC
alias ModuleD

alias ModuleA
alias ModuleB

# NOT preferred

alias ModuleC
alias ModuleD

alias ModuleB
alias ModuleA

Like all Readability issues, this one is not a technical concern. But you can improve the odds of others reading and liking your code by making it easier to follow.

Configuration parameters

There are no specific parameters for this check.

Like with all checks, general params can be applied.

Parameters can be configured via the .credo.exs config file.