Credo.Check.Refactor.MapInto (Credo v1.5.0) View Source

This check has a base priority of high and requires Elixir < 1.8.0.


Enum.into/3 is more efficient than |> Enum.into/2.

This should be refactored:

[:apple, :banana, :carrot]
|>{&1, to_string(&1)}))
|> Enum.into(%{})

to look like this:

Enum.into([:apple, :banana, :carrot], %{}, &({&1, to_string(&1)}))

The reason for this is performance, because the separate calls to and Enum.into/2 require two iterations whereas Enum.into/3 only requires one.

Configuration parameters

There are no specific parameters for this check.

Like with all checks, general params can be applied.

Parameters can be configured via the .credo.exs config file.