mix credo suggest

suggest suggests issues to fix in your code.


$ mix credo
$ mix credo suggest                 # same thing, since it's the default command
$ mix credo --strict --format=json  # include low priority issues, output as JSON
$ mix credo suggest --help          # more options

$ mix credo suggest --format json
$ mix credo suggest lib/**/*.ex --only consistency --strict
$ mix credo suggest --checks-without-tag formatter --checks-without-tag controversial

Command Line Switches

The available command line switches are:


Shows all issues for each category.

By default, Credo's report is limited to 5 issues per category.

$ mix credo --all

--all-priorities (aliased as --strict)

Show all issues including low priority ones

By default, Credo's report is limited to high priority issues as indicated by the arrows (↑ ↗ → ↘ ↓) next to each issue.

$ mix credo --strict

--checks (aliased as --only)

Only include checks that match the given strings

# Runs only checks where the name matches "readability" (case-insensitive), e.g. `Credo.Check.Readability.ModuleDoc`
$ mix credo --only readability


Only include checks that match the given tag (can be used multiple times)

$ mix credo --checks-with-tag experimental --checks-with-tag controversial


Ignore checks that match the given tag (can be used multiple times)

$ mix credo --checks-without-tag formatter


Use the given config file as Credo's config.

$ mix credo --config-file ./path/to/credo.exs

This disables Transitive configuration files and only the given config file is


Use the given config instead of "default"

$ mix credo --config-name special-ci-config


Re-enable disabled checks that match the given strings

# Enable all previously disabled checks where the name matches "readability"
# (case-insensitive), e.g. `Credo.Check.Readability.ModuleDoc`
$ mix credo --enable-disabled-checks readability


Only include these files (accepts globs, can be used multiple times)

$ mix credo --files-included ./lib/**/*.ex --files-included ./src/**/*.ex


Exclude these files (accepts globs, can be used multiple times)

$ mix credo --files-excluded ./test/**/*.exs


Display the list in a specific format (json,flycheck,oneline)

$ mix credo --format json

--ignore-checks (aliased as --ignore)

Ignore checks that match the given strings

# Ignore checks where the name matches "readability" (case-insensitive), e.g. `Credo.Check.Readability.ModuleDoc`
$ mix credo --ignore readability


Alias for --ignore-checks


Minimum priority to show issues (high,medium,normal,low,lower or number)

$ mix credo --min-priority high


Exit with status zero even if there are issues

$ mix credo --format json
# ...

$ echo $?


Alias for --checks


Alias for --all-priorities