Using Plugins
Installing plugins
Plugins are just modules.
Plugins can be included by listing them under the :plugins
field .credo.exs
configs: [
name: "default",
plugins: [
{CredoDemoPlugin, []}
Most of the time, a Credo plugin will be published on Hex. You include it as a dependency in mix.exs
like any other dependency:
{:credo_demo_plugin, "~> 0.1.0"},
Plugins, like checks, are just modules and functions. They are enabled in Credo's configuration file .credo.exs
, which you can generate via mix credo gen.config
$ mix credo gen.config
* creating .credo.exs
The demo plugin adds a command called "demo":
$ mix credo demo
By the power of !
It seems like there's something missing before the !
Configuring plugins
Plugins can be configured via params, just like checks.
Each entry consists of a two-element tuple: the plugin's module and a keyword list of parameters, which can be used to configure the plugin itself.
configs: [
name: "default",
plugins: [
{CredoDemoPlugin, [castle: "Grayskull"]}
$ mix credo demo
By the power of Grayskull!
Just in case, Plugins can be deactivated by setting the second tuple element to false
configs: [
name: "default",
plugins: [
{CredoDemoPlugin, false} # <-- don't load this for now
The demo plugin used in the docs can be found on GitHub and Hex: