View Source Credo.Check.Readability.AliasOrder (Credo v1.7.7-rc.0)


This check is enabled by default.

Learn how to disable it via .credo.exs.

This check has a base priority of low and works with any version of Elixir.


Alphabetically ordered lists are more easily scannable by the reader.

# preferred

alias ModuleA
alias ModuleB
alias ModuleC

# NOT preferred

alias ModuleA
alias ModuleC
alias ModuleB

Alias should be alphabetically ordered among their group:

# preferred

alias ModuleC
alias ModuleD

alias ModuleA
alias ModuleB

# NOT preferred

alias ModuleC
alias ModuleD

alias ModuleB
alias ModuleA

Like all Readability issues, this one is not a technical concern. But you can improve the odds of others reading and liking your code by making it easier to follow.

Check-Specific Parameters

Use the following parameters to configure this check:


The ordering method to use.


  • :alpha - Alphabetical case-insensitive sorting.
  • :ascii - Case-sensitive sorting where upper case characters are ordered
            before their lower case equivalent.

This parameter defaults to :alpha.

General Parameters

Like with all checks, general params can be applied.

Parameters can be configured via the .credo.exs config file.