CrockfordBase32 (crockford_base32 v0.7.2)
The main module implements Douglas Crockford's Base32 encoding.
Decode the encoded to a bitstring, all hyphen(s) are removed and ignore the encoded's case.
Decode the encoded string to an integer, all hyphen(s) are removed and ignore the encoded's case.
Encode an integer or a bitstring in Crockford's Base32.
decode_to_bitstring(input, opts \\ [])
@spec decode_to_bitstring(bitstring(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, bitstring()} | :error | :error_checksum
Decode the encoded to a bitstring, all hyphen(s) are removed and ignore the encoded's case.
If the encoded bitstring be with a check symbol, require to use checksum: true
in decoding.
iex> CrockfordBase32.decode_to_bitstring("C5H66")
{:ok, "abc"}
iex> CrockfordBase32.decode_to_bitstring("C5H66C", checksum: true)
{:ok, "abc"}
iex> CrockfordBase32.decode_to_bitstring("C5H66D", checksum: true)
The same to the options of decode_to_integer/2
decode_to_integer(string, opts \\ [])
Decode the encoded string to an integer, all hyphen(s) are removed and ignore the encoded's case.
If the encoded string be with a check symbol, require to use checksum: true
in decoding.
iex> CrockfordBase32.decode_to_integer("16JD", checksum: true)
{:ok, 1234}
iex> CrockfordBase32.decode_to_integer("16j")
{:ok, 1234}
iex> CrockfordBase32.decode_to_integer("16j*", checksum: true)
, optional, a boolean, by defaults tofalse
means expect input the encoded string without a check symbol in its tail, if set it astrue
, please ensure input encoded is a string be with a check symbol, or return:error_checksum
encode(value, opts \\ [])
Encode an integer or a bitstring in Crockford's Base32.
After encoded, the return string only contains these characters set("0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ"
, 10 digits and
22 letters, excluding "I"
, "L"
, "O"
and "U"
), if set checksum: true
, there would be with one of these check
) or the previous 10 digits and 22 letters as the last character.
iex> CrockfordBase32.encode(1234567)
iex> CrockfordBase32.encode(1234567, checksum: true)
iex> CrockfordBase32.encode(1234567, split_size: 3)
iex> CrockfordBase32.encode(1234567, split_size: 3, checksum: true)
, optional, a boolean, by defaults tofalse
, if set it astrue
will calculate a check symbol and append it to the return string.:split_size
, optional, a positive integer, if set it will use it as a step size to split the return string with hyphen(s).