
The Decoder CSV module sends lines of delimited values from a stream to the parser and converts rows coming from the CSV parser module to a consumable stream. In setup, it parallelises lexing and parsing, as well as different lexer/parser pairs as pipes. The number of pipes can be controlled via options.


Decode a stream of comma-separated lines into a table. You can control the number of parallel operations via the option :num_pipes - default is the number of erlang schedulers times 3


decode(stream, options \\ [])

Decode a stream of comma-separated lines into a table. You can control the number of parallel operations via the option :num_pipes - default is the number of erlang schedulers times 3.


These are the options:

  • :separator – The separator token to use, defaults to ?,. Must be a codepoint (syntax: ? + (your separator)).
  • :delimiter – The delimiter token to use, defaults to ` `. Must be a string.
  • :strip_cells – When set to true, will strip whitespace from cells. Defaults to false.
  • :num_pipes – The number of parallel operations to run when producing the stream.
  • :headers – When set to true, will take the first row of the csv and use it as header values. When set to a list, will use the given list as header values. When set to false (default), will use no header values. When set to anything but false, the resulting rows in the matrix will be maps instead of lists.


Convert a filestream into a stream of rows:

iex> File.stream!("data.csv") |>
iex> CSV.Decoder.decode |>
iex> Enum.take(2)
[["a","b","c"], ["d","e","f"]]

Map an existing stream of lines separated by a token to a stream of rows with a header row:

iex> ["a;b","c;d", "e;f"] |>
iex> Stream.map(&(&1)) |>
iex> CSV.Decoder.decode(separator: ?;, headers: true) |>
iex> Enum.take(2)
[%{"a" => "c", "b" => "d"}, %{"a" => "e", "b" => "f"}]

Map an existing stream of lines separated by a token to a stream of rows with a given header row:

iex> ["a;b","c;d", "e;f"] |>
iex> Stream.map(&(&1)) |>
iex> CSV.Decoder.decode(separator: ?;, headers: [:x, :y]) |>
iex> Enum.take(2)
[%{:x => "a", :y => "b"}, %{:x => "c", :y => "d"}]