Curvy.Util (Curvy v0.3.0) View Source

Utility module for common and shared functions.

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Decodes the given binary with the specified encoding scheme.

Encodes the given binary with the specified encoding scheme.

Invert operation.

Inverse power operation.

Modulo operation. Returns the remainder after x is divided by n.

Link to this section Functions


decode(binary(), atom()) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, any()}

Decodes the given binary with the specified encoding scheme.

Accepts :base64 or :hex, or will return the binary as is.


encode(binary(), atom()) :: binary()

Encodes the given binary with the specified encoding scheme.

Accepts :base64 or :hex, or will return the binary as is.


inv(integer(), integer()) :: integer()

Invert operation.

Inverse power operation.


mod(integer(), integer()) :: integer()

Modulo operation. Returns the remainder after x is divided by n.