CyberSource SDK v1.0.4 CyberSourceSDK View Source

This CyberSource module communicates with the Simple Order API service (SOAP) of CyberSource.

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Send an authorization request, making sure that the user have the necessary amount of money in his/her account.

Generate BillTo object to replace parameters in request XML

Send a capture request to charge the user account.

Send a refund request o remove the hold on user money.

Called when an application is started.

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authorize(price, merchant_reference_code, card_type, encrypted_payment, bill_to \\ [], worker \\ :merchant) View Source
authorize(float(), String.t(), String.t(), String.t(), [String.t()], atom()) ::
  {:ok} | {:error, atom()} | {:error, String.t()}

Send an authorization request, making sure that the user have the necessary amount of money in his/her account.


  • price: Float that represents the price to be charged to the user.
  • merchant_reference_code: String that represents the order. Normally you should pass an unique identifier like order_id.
  • card_type: String with the name of card type, like VISA, MASTERCARD, etc.
  • encrypted_payment: String that must be in Base64 received by Apple/Android payment system.
  • bill_to: Structure generated by CyberSourceSDK.bill_to(). (Optional)
  • worker: Atom with name of the structure in configurations to be used. (Optional)
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bill_to(first_name, last_name, street1, street2, city, country, email) View Source
) :: [String.t()]

Generate BillTo object to replace parameters in request XML


iex> CyberSourceSDK.bill_to("John", "Doe", "Main Street", "2 Left", "New York", "USA", "")
[first_name: "John", last_name: "Doe", street1: "Main Street", street2: "2 Left", city: "New York", country: "USA", email: ""]
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capture(order_id, request_id, items \\ [], worker \\ :merchant) View Source
capture(String.t(), String.t(), list(), atom()) ::
  {:ok} | {:error, atom()} | {:error, String.t()}

Send a capture request to charge the user account.

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pay_with_android_pay(price, merchant_reference_code, card_type, encrypted_payment, bill_to \\ [], worker \\ :merchant) View Source
) :: {:ok} | {:error, atom()} | {:error, String.t()}

Pay with Android Pay request

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pay_with_apple_pay(price, merchant_reference_code, card_type, encrypted_payment, bill_to \\ [], worker \\ :merchant) View Source
) :: {:ok} | {:error, atom()} | {:error, String.t()}

Pay with Apple Pay request

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refund(order_id, request_id, items \\ [], worker \\ :merchant) View Source
refund(String.t(), String.t(), list(), atom()) ::
  {:ok} | {:error, atom()} | {:error, String.t()}

Send a refund request o remove the hold on user money.

Called when an application is started.

This function is called when an application is started using Application.start/2 (and functions on top of that, such as Application.ensure_started/2). This function should start the top-level process of the application (which should be the top supervisor of the application's supervision tree if the application follows the OTP design principles around supervision).

start_type defines how the application is started:

  • :normal - used if the startup is a normal startup or if the application is distributed and is started on the current node because of a failover from another node and the application specification key :start_phases is :undefined.
  • {:takeover, node} - used if the application is distributed and is started on the current node because of a failover on the node node.
  • {:failover, node} - used if the application is distributed and is started on the current node because of a failover on node node, and the application specification key :start_phases is not :undefined.

start_args are the arguments passed to the application in the :mod specification key (e.g., mod: {MyApp, [:my_args]}).

This function should either return {:ok, pid} or {:ok, pid, state} if startup is successful. pid should be the PID of the top supervisor. state can be an arbitrary term, and if omitted will default to []; if the application is later stopped, state is passed to the stop/1 callback (see the documentation for the c:stop/1 callback for more information).

use Application provides no default implementation for the start/2 callback.

Callback implementation for Application.start/2.