DaisyUIForms (daisyui_forms v0.0.2)
Form helpers using DaisyUI classes
Generate the required html for an file inpurt
Generate the required html for an input field
Create a select using the given choices
Generate the required html for an textarea field
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file_input(form, field, value, opts \\ [])
@spec file_input(Phoenix.HTML.Form.t(), atom(), String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: [tuple()]
Generate the required html for an file inpurt
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input(form, field, opts \\ [])
@spec input(Phoenix.HTML.Form.t(), atom(), Keyword.t()) :: [tuple()]
Generate the required html for an input field
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select(form, field, choices, selected, prompt \\ nil)
Create a select using the given choices
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textarea(form, field, opts \\ [])
@spec textarea(Phoenix.HTML.Form.t(), atom(), Keyword.t()) :: [tuple()]
Generate the required html for an textarea field