data v0.4.7 Data.Constructor

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Define and run a smart constructor on a Key-Value input, returning either well-defined structs or descriptive errors. The motto: parse, don't validate!

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struct(field_specs, struct_module, input)

Define and run a smart constructor on a Key-Value input, returning either well-defined structs or descriptive errors. The motto: parse, don't validate!

Given a list of Data.Parser.KV.field_spec/2s, a module, and an input map or Keyword, create and run a parser which will either parse successfully and return an {:ok, %__MODULE__{}} struct, or fail and return an {:error, Error.t} with details about the parsing failure.


iex> defmodule SensorReading do
...>   defstruct [:sensor_id, :microfrobs, :datetime]
...>   def new(input) do
...>     Data.Constructor.struct([
...>      {:sensor_id, Data.Parser.BuiltIn.string()},
...>      {:microfrobs, Data.Parser.BuiltIn.integer()},
...>      {:datetime, Data.Parser.BuiltIn.datetime()}],
...>     __MODULE__,
...>     input)
...>   end
...> end
...> {:ok, reading} = "1234-1234-1234",
...>                                    microfrobs: 23,
...>                                    datetime: ~U[2018-12-20 12:00:00Z])
...> reading.datetime
~U[2018-12-20 12:00:00Z]
...> reading.microfrobs
...> reading.sensor_id
...> {:error, e} ={"sensor_id" => nil,
...>                                   "microfrobs" => 23,
...>                                   "datetime" => "2018-12-20 12:00:00Z"})
...> Error.reason(e)
...> Error.details(e)
%{field: :sensor_id,
  input: %{"datetime" => "2018-12-20 12:00:00Z",
           "microfrobs" => 23,
           "sensor_id" => nil}}
...> {:just, inner_error} = Error.caused_by(e)
...> Error.reason(inner_error)