data_source v0.1.4 Datasource.File

Can be used in Datasource as the function-argument. It streams a given file line by line.

Link to this section Summary


Get next line from the file(stream)

Link to this section Functions

Get next line from the file(stream)


Read through datasource reads the file as stream and should give the same result as reading the file directly.

iex> expected =!("")
...> num_lines = (String.split(expected, "\n") |> Enum.count) - 1 
...> # Start the datasource for file "README"
...> {:ok, file_source} = Datasource.start_link("", &
...> # Call `next()` number of lines times
...> subject = 
...>, fn(_) -> end)
...>   |> Enum.join
...> assert subject == expected

You can use Enum.flat_map_reduce to read from the datasource until it returns :no_data.

iex> {:ok, file_source} = Datasource.start_link("", &
...> { _, cnt } = Enum.flat_map_reduce((0..1000), 0, fn x, acc ->
...>   if == :no_data, do: {:halt, acc}, else: {[x], acc + 1}
...> end)
...> assert cnt <= 1000

When next is called for the first time, the filename is passed as a string. In this case next will create the Stream for this file and calls next again, this time with the stream to use and reads the first line.