db_connection v1.1.2 DBConnection.Pool behaviour

A behaviour module for implementing a pool of database connections using DBConnection.



Checkin a connection’s state to the pool

Checkout a connection’s state from a pool

Create a supervisor child specification for the pool with module module, options opts and child specification options child_opts

Checkin a connection’s state to the pool and disconnect it with an exception

Ensure all applications necessary to run the pool are started

Start and link to a pool of module connections with options opts


checkin(pool_ref, state, opts)


checkin(pool_ref :: any, state :: any, opts :: Keyword.t) :: :ok

Checkin a connection’s state to the pool.

The pool_ref is from the return of checkout/2.

state is the lastest state of the connection.

checkout(pool, opts)


checkout(pool :: GenServer.server, opts :: Keyword.t) ::
  {:ok, pool_ref :: any, module, state :: any} |
  {:error, Exception.t}

Checkout a connection’s state from a pool.

The returned pool_ref will be passed to checkin/3, disconnect/4 and stop/4.

module and state are the module and state of the connection.

child_spec(module, opts, child_opts)


child_spec(module, opts :: Keyword.t, child_opts :: Keyword.t) :: Supervisor.Spec.spec

Create a supervisor child specification for the pool with module module, options opts and child specification options child_opts.

disconnect(pool_ref, err, state, opts)


disconnect(pool_ref :: any, err :: Exception.t, state :: any, opts :: Keyword.t) :: :ok

Checkin a connection’s state to the pool and disconnect it with an exception.

The pool_ref is from the return of checkout/2.

state is the lastest state of the connection.

ensure_all_started(opts, type)


ensure_all_started(opts :: Keyword.t, type :: :application.restart_type) ::
  {:ok, [atom]} |
  {:error, atom}

Ensure all applications necessary to run the pool are started.

start_link(module, opts)


start_link(module, opts :: Keyword.t) :: GenServer.on_start

Start and link to a pool of module connections with options opts.

stop(pool_ref, err, state, opts)


stop(pool_ref :: any, err :: Exception.t, state :: any, opts :: Keyword.t) :: :ok

Stop a connection.

The pool_ref is from the return of checkout/2.

state is the lastest state of the connection.