🦇 defangle
Defangle is a Gleam library for defanging URLs, Emails, and IP addresses making them safe to share.
📥 Install defangle
gleam add defangle
⚡ Usage
import defangle
pub fn main() {
// Defang a URL to make it safe to share
|> defangle.url
// "hxxps[://]www[.]suspicious-url[.]com"
// Defang an email address to make it safe to share
|> defangle.email
// "lucy[at]suspicious-url[.]com"
// Defang an IP address to make it safe to share
|> defangle.ip
// "103[.]253[.]144[.]32"
// Defang an IPv6 address to make it safe to share
|> defangle.ip
// "2001[:]0db8[:]85a3[:]0000[:]0000[:]8a2e[:]0370[:]7334
Further documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/defangle.
gleam run # Run the project
gleam test # Run the tests
gleam shell # Run an Erlang shell