Release configuration

By default, the release will happen creating a docker machine to build the release with distillery.

You can skip the default strategy and choose a custom one instead:

# builds the release at a remote host
config :deli, :release, Deli.Release.Remote

# does something completely custom instead
config :deli, :release, Custom.Module

You can configure any module that implements callback.

Configuring docker build

By default, if you don't configure release, Deli.Release.Docker is the chosen behaviour.

You can configure details of this behaviour.

By default, the deli centos image version is chosen.

You can configure a different image:

# use deli's debian image, latest
config :deli, :docker_build, image: {:deli, :debian}

# use deli's centos image, based on this tag
config :deli, :docker_build, image: {:deli, {:centos, "7.6.1810"}}

# deli generates an image based on elixir official docker image
config :deli, :docker_build, image: :elixir

# deli generates an image based on elixir official docker image with this tag
config :deli, :docker_build, image: {:elixir, "1.8.0-alpine"}

# deli images can also have beam dependencies configured
# if you don't set it, latest stable version available
# when the package was generated will be used
beam_versions = [
  otp: "21.2.4",
  elixir: "1.8.0",
  rebar3: "3.6.1"

config :deli, :docker_build, image: {:deli, {:centos, "7.6.1810"}, beam_versions}

Configuring controller

By default, the release binary (/opt/APP/bin/APP) is used to control the app (start, stop, restart, status, ping), but systemd's systemctl can be configured as the app controller:

config :deli, :controller, Deli.Controller.Systemctl

You can configure any module that implements the Deli.Controller behaviour.