View Source Desktop.Window (Desktop v1.5.3)

Defines a Desktop Window.

The window hosts a Phoenix Endpoint and displays its content. It should be part of a supervision tree and is the main interface to interact with your application.

In total the window is doing:

  • Displaying the endpoint content

  • Hosting and starting an optional menu bar

  • Controlling a taskbar icon if present

The Window

You can add the Window to your own Supervision tree:

children = [{
    app: :your_app,
    id: YourAppWindow,
    title: "Your App Title",
    size: {600, 500},
    icon: "icon.png",
    menubar: YourApp.MenuBar,
    icon_menu: YourApp.Menu,
    url: fn -> YourAppWeb.Router.Helpers.live_url(YourAppWeb.Endpoint, YourAppWeb.YourAppLive) end

Window configuration

In order to change the appearance of the application window these options can be defined:

  • :app - your app name within which the Window is running.

  • :id - an atom identifying the window. Can later be used to control the window using the functions of this module.

  • :title - the window title that will be show initially. The window title can be set later using set_title/2.

  • :size - the initial windows size in pixels {width, height}.

  • :min_size - the minimum windows size in pixels {width, height}.

  • :hidden - whether the window should be initially hidden defaults to false,

            but is ignored on mobile platforms

    Possible values are:

    • false - Show the window on startup (default)
    • true - Don't show the window on startup
  • :icon - an icon file name that will be used as window and taskbar icon (unless another :taskbar_icon is specified). Supported formats are png files

  • :taskbar_icon - an icon file name that will be used as taskbar icon. Supported formats are png files

  • :menubar - an optional MenuBar module that will be rendered as the windows menu bar when given.

  • :icon_menu - an optional MenuBar module that will be rendered as menu onclick on the taskbar icon.

  • :url - a callback to the initial (default) url to show in the window.



Fetch the underlying :wxFrame instance object. This represents the window which the webview is drawn into.

Hide the Window if visible (noop on mobile platforms)

Iconize or restore the window

Returns true if the window is active. Always returns true on mobile platforms.

Returns true if the window is hidden. Always returns false on mobile platforms.

Quit the application. This forces a quick termination which can be helpful on MacOS/Windows as sometimes the destruction is crashing.

Rebuild the webview. This function is a troubleshooting function at this time. On Windows it's sometimes necessary to rebuild the WebView2 frame.

Set the windows title

Show the Window if not visible with the given url.

Show a desktop notification

Returns the url currently shown of the Window.

Fetch the underlying :wxWebView instance object. Call this if you have to use more advanced :wxWebView functions directly on the object.


Fetch the underlying :wxFrame instance object. This represents the window which the webview is drawn into.

  • pid - The pid or atom of the Window


iex> :wx.set_env(Desktop.Env.wx_env())
iex>, show: false)

Hide the Window if visible (noop on mobile platforms)

  • pid - The pid or atom of the Window


iex> Desktop.Window.hide(pid)
Link to this function

iconize(pid, iconize \\ true)

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Iconize or restore the window

  • pid - The pid or atom of the Window
  • restore - Optional defaults to false whether the
            window should be restored

Returns true if the window is active. Always returns true on mobile platforms.

  • pid - The pid or atom of the Window


iex> Desktop.Window.is_active?(pid)

Returns true if the window is hidden. Always returns false on mobile platforms.

  • pid - The pid or atom of the Window


iex> Desktop.Window.is_hidden?(pid)

Quit the application. This forces a quick termination which can be helpful on MacOS/Windows as sometimes the destruction is crashing.

Rebuild the webview. This function is a troubleshooting function at this time. On Windows it's sometimes necessary to rebuild the WebView2 frame.

  • pid - The pid or atom of the Window


iex> Desktop.Window.rebuild_webview(pid)

Set the windows title

  • pid - The pid or atom of the Window
  • title - The new windows title


iex> Desktop.Window.set_title(pid, "New Window Title")

Show the Window if not visible with the given url.

  • pid - The pid or atom of the Window
  • url - The endpoint url to show. If non is provided the url callback will be used to get one.


iex>, "/")
Link to this function

show_notification(pid, text, opts \\ [])

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Show a desktop notification

  • pid - The pid or atom of the Window

  • text - The text content to show in the notification

  • opts - Additional notification options

    Valid keys are:

    • :id - An id for the notification, this is important if you want control, the visibility of the notification. The default value when none is provided is :default

    • :type - One of :info :error :warn these will change how the notification will be displayed. The default is :info

    • :title - An alternative title for the notificaion, when none is provided the current window title is used.

    • :timeout - A timeout hint specifying how long the notification should be displayed.

      Possible values are:

      • :auto - This is the default and let's the OS decide

      • :never - Indicates that notification should not be hidden automatically

      • ms - A time value in milliseconds, how long the notification should be shown

    • :callback - A function to be executed when the user clicks on the notification.


iex> :wx.set_env(Desktop.Env.wx_env())
iex> :wxWebView.isContextMenuEnabled(Desktop.Window.webview(pid))

Returns the url currently shown of the Window.

  • pid - The pid or atom of the Window


iex> Desktop.Window.url(pid)

Fetch the underlying :wxWebView instance object. Call this if you have to use more advanced :wxWebView functions directly on the object.

  • pid - The pid or atom of the Window


iex> :wx.set_env(Desktop.Env.wx_env())
iex> :wxWebView.isContextMenuEnabled(Desktop.Window.webview(pid))