View Source DG.Sigil (dg v0.4.0)

Sigils that parse mermaid.js format flowchart into DG

iex> import DG.Sigil
...> dg = ~G"""
...> graph LR
...>   a[some label]
...>   b[other label]
...>   1-->2
...>   3[three] -- three to four --> 4[four]
...>   a --> b
...> """
iex> DG.vertex(dg, "a")
{"a", "some label"}
iex> Enum.sort(DG.vertices(dg))
["1", "2", "3", "4", "a", "b"]
iex> length(DG.edges(dg))



Parses the given binary as direction.

Parses the given binary as edge.

Parses the given binary as graph.

Parses the given binary as label.

Parses the given binary as lwsp.

Parses the given binary as square_brace_close.

Parses the given binary as square_brace_open.

Parses the given binary as type.

Parses the given binary as vertex.

Parses the given binary as vertex_id.

Parses the given binary as vertex_or_edge.

Parses the given binary as wsp.


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direction(binary, opts \\ [])

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@spec direction(binary(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok, [term()], rest, context, line, byte_offset}
  | {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset}
when line: {pos_integer(), byte_offset},
     byte_offset: pos_integer(),
     rest: binary(),
     reason: String.t(),
     context: map()

Parses the given binary as direction.

Returns {:ok, [token], rest, context, position, byte_offset} or {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset} where position describes the location of the direction (start position) as {line, offset_to_start_of_line}.

To column where the error occurred can be inferred from byte_offset - offset_to_start_of_line.


  • :byte_offset - the byte offset for the whole binary, defaults to 0
  • :line - the line and the byte offset into that line, defaults to {1, byte_offset}
  • :context - the initial context value. It will be converted to a map
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edge(binary, opts \\ [])

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@spec edge(binary(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok, [term()], rest, context, line, byte_offset}
  | {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset}
when line: {pos_integer(), byte_offset},
     byte_offset: pos_integer(),
     rest: binary(),
     reason: String.t(),
     context: map()

Parses the given binary as edge.

Returns {:ok, [token], rest, context, position, byte_offset} or {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset} where position describes the location of the edge (start position) as {line, offset_to_start_of_line}.

To column where the error occurred can be inferred from byte_offset - offset_to_start_of_line.


  • :byte_offset - the byte offset for the whole binary, defaults to 0
  • :line - the line and the byte offset into that line, defaults to {1, byte_offset}
  • :context - the initial context value. It will be converted to a map
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graph(binary, opts \\ [])

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@spec graph(binary(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok, [term()], rest, context, line, byte_offset}
  | {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset}
when line: {pos_integer(), byte_offset},
     byte_offset: pos_integer(),
     rest: binary(),
     reason: String.t(),
     context: map()

Parses the given binary as graph.

Returns {:ok, [token], rest, context, position, byte_offset} or {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset} where position describes the location of the graph (start position) as {line, offset_to_start_of_line}.

To column where the error occurred can be inferred from byte_offset - offset_to_start_of_line.


  • :byte_offset - the byte offset for the whole binary, defaults to 0
  • :line - the line and the byte offset into that line, defaults to {1, byte_offset}
  • :context - the initial context value. It will be converted to a map
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label(binary, opts \\ [])

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@spec label(binary(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok, [term()], rest, context, line, byte_offset}
  | {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset}
when line: {pos_integer(), byte_offset},
     byte_offset: pos_integer(),
     rest: binary(),
     reason: String.t(),
     context: map()

Parses the given binary as label.

Returns {:ok, [token], rest, context, position, byte_offset} or {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset} where position describes the location of the label (start position) as {line, offset_to_start_of_line}.

To column where the error occurred can be inferred from byte_offset - offset_to_start_of_line.


  • :byte_offset - the byte offset for the whole binary, defaults to 0
  • :line - the line and the byte offset into that line, defaults to {1, byte_offset}
  • :context - the initial context value. It will be converted to a map
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lwsp(binary, opts \\ [])

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@spec lwsp(binary(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok, [term()], rest, context, line, byte_offset}
  | {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset}
when line: {pos_integer(), byte_offset},
     byte_offset: pos_integer(),
     rest: binary(),
     reason: String.t(),
     context: map()

Parses the given binary as lwsp.

Returns {:ok, [token], rest, context, position, byte_offset} or {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset} where position describes the location of the lwsp (start position) as {line, offset_to_start_of_line}.

To column where the error occurred can be inferred from byte_offset - offset_to_start_of_line.


  • :byte_offset - the byte offset for the whole binary, defaults to 0
  • :line - the line and the byte offset into that line, defaults to {1, byte_offset}
  • :context - the initial context value. It will be converted to a map
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sigil_G(arg, opts)

View Source (macro)
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sigil_g(string, opts)

View Source (macro)
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square_brace_close(binary, opts \\ [])

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@spec square_brace_close(binary(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok, [term()], rest, context, line, byte_offset}
  | {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset}
when line: {pos_integer(), byte_offset},
     byte_offset: pos_integer(),
     rest: binary(),
     reason: String.t(),
     context: map()

Parses the given binary as square_brace_close.

Returns {:ok, [token], rest, context, position, byte_offset} or {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset} where position describes the location of the square_brace_close (start position) as {line, offset_to_start_of_line}.

To column where the error occurred can be inferred from byte_offset - offset_to_start_of_line.


  • :byte_offset - the byte offset for the whole binary, defaults to 0
  • :line - the line and the byte offset into that line, defaults to {1, byte_offset}
  • :context - the initial context value. It will be converted to a map
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square_brace_open(binary, opts \\ [])

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@spec square_brace_open(binary(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok, [term()], rest, context, line, byte_offset}
  | {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset}
when line: {pos_integer(), byte_offset},
     byte_offset: pos_integer(),
     rest: binary(),
     reason: String.t(),
     context: map()

Parses the given binary as square_brace_open.

Returns {:ok, [token], rest, context, position, byte_offset} or {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset} where position describes the location of the square_brace_open (start position) as {line, offset_to_start_of_line}.

To column where the error occurred can be inferred from byte_offset - offset_to_start_of_line.


  • :byte_offset - the byte offset for the whole binary, defaults to 0
  • :line - the line and the byte offset into that line, defaults to {1, byte_offset}
  • :context - the initial context value. It will be converted to a map
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type(binary, opts \\ [])

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@spec type(binary(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok, [term()], rest, context, line, byte_offset}
  | {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset}
when line: {pos_integer(), byte_offset},
     byte_offset: pos_integer(),
     rest: binary(),
     reason: String.t(),
     context: map()

Parses the given binary as type.

Returns {:ok, [token], rest, context, position, byte_offset} or {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset} where position describes the location of the type (start position) as {line, offset_to_start_of_line}.

To column where the error occurred can be inferred from byte_offset - offset_to_start_of_line.


  • :byte_offset - the byte offset for the whole binary, defaults to 0
  • :line - the line and the byte offset into that line, defaults to {1, byte_offset}
  • :context - the initial context value. It will be converted to a map
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vertex(binary, opts \\ [])

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@spec vertex(binary(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok, [term()], rest, context, line, byte_offset}
  | {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset}
when line: {pos_integer(), byte_offset},
     byte_offset: pos_integer(),
     rest: binary(),
     reason: String.t(),
     context: map()

Parses the given binary as vertex.

Returns {:ok, [token], rest, context, position, byte_offset} or {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset} where position describes the location of the vertex (start position) as {line, offset_to_start_of_line}.

To column where the error occurred can be inferred from byte_offset - offset_to_start_of_line.


  • :byte_offset - the byte offset for the whole binary, defaults to 0
  • :line - the line and the byte offset into that line, defaults to {1, byte_offset}
  • :context - the initial context value. It will be converted to a map
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vertex_id(binary, opts \\ [])

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@spec vertex_id(binary(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok, [term()], rest, context, line, byte_offset}
  | {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset}
when line: {pos_integer(), byte_offset},
     byte_offset: pos_integer(),
     rest: binary(),
     reason: String.t(),
     context: map()

Parses the given binary as vertex_id.

Returns {:ok, [token], rest, context, position, byte_offset} or {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset} where position describes the location of the vertex_id (start position) as {line, offset_to_start_of_line}.

To column where the error occurred can be inferred from byte_offset - offset_to_start_of_line.


  • :byte_offset - the byte offset for the whole binary, defaults to 0
  • :line - the line and the byte offset into that line, defaults to {1, byte_offset}
  • :context - the initial context value. It will be converted to a map
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vertex_or_edge(binary, opts \\ [])

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@spec vertex_or_edge(binary(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok, [term()], rest, context, line, byte_offset}
  | {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset}
when line: {pos_integer(), byte_offset},
     byte_offset: pos_integer(),
     rest: binary(),
     reason: String.t(),
     context: map()

Parses the given binary as vertex_or_edge.

Returns {:ok, [token], rest, context, position, byte_offset} or {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset} where position describes the location of the vertex_or_edge (start position) as {line, offset_to_start_of_line}.

To column where the error occurred can be inferred from byte_offset - offset_to_start_of_line.


  • :byte_offset - the byte offset for the whole binary, defaults to 0
  • :line - the line and the byte offset into that line, defaults to {1, byte_offset}
  • :context - the initial context value. It will be converted to a map
@spec wsp(binary(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok, [term()], rest, context, line, byte_offset}
  | {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset}
when line: {pos_integer(), byte_offset},
     byte_offset: pos_integer(),
     rest: binary(),
     reason: String.t(),
     context: map()

Parses the given binary as wsp.

Returns {:ok, [token], rest, context, position, byte_offset} or {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset} where position describes the location of the wsp (start position) as {line, offset_to_start_of_line}.

To column where the error occurred can be inferred from byte_offset - offset_to_start_of_line.


  • :byte_offset - the byte offset for the whole binary, defaults to 0
  • :line - the line and the byte offset into that line, defaults to {1, byte_offset}
  • :context - the initial context value. It will be converted to a map