
In this tutorial, we will go through the process of designing a DSL for a finite state machine. We will use such state machine to express the lifecycle of a payment.

A state machine for payments

defmodule MyApp.Payments.Payment do
  use MyApp.Fsm

  fsm do
    state :pending do
      on event: :created do
        action SendToGateway
        next state: :sent

    state :sent, timeout: 60 do
      on event: :success do
        action NotifyParties
        next state: :accepted

      on event: :error do
        action NotifyParties
        next state: :declined

      on event: :timeout do
        action NotifyParties
        next state: :declined

    state :accepted do

    state :declined do

The Fsm library module

First, lets define the MyApp.Fsm library module:

defmodule MyApp.Fsm do
  use Diesel,
    otp_app: :my_app,
    dsl: MyApp.Dsm.Dsl  # optional

This module will import the api offered by the actual dsl, to be implemented in this example by module MyApp.Fsm.Dsl.

The :dsl key is optional. If omitted, it will default to the caller module, suffixed by Dsl. The above example is equivalent to:

defmodule MyApp.Fsm do
  use Diesel, otp_app: :my_app

Defining the DSL

We will need the following elements of the language:

  • fsm: the root tag of the dsl
  • state: a definition of a state
  • action: an action to be triggered as soon as we enter a state
  • on: the definition of an event, in a given state
  • next: the next state to transition into
defmodule MyApp.Fsm.Dsl do
  use Diesel.Dsl,
    otp_app: :my_app,
    root: MyApp.Fsm.Dsl.Fsm, # optional
    tags: [

The :root key is optional. If omitted, a naming convention will be applied, so that the above example is equivalent to:

defmodule MyApp.Fsm.Dsl do
  use Diesel.Dsl,
    otp_app: :my_app,
    tags: [

In the next sections, we will define these as structured tags by relying on the Diesel.Tag built-in dsl.

The fsm root tag

The fsm tag is the root of our DSL. It supports one or many state children tags:

defmodule MyApp.Fsm.Dsl.Fsm do
  use Diesel.Tag

  tag do
    child :state, min: 1

The state tag

The state tag requires:

  • a name attribute (this is the default attribute name in Diesel). The accepted values are: pending, sent, accepted, declined.
  • an optional timeout attribute
  • zero, one or multiple on children
defmodule MyApp.Fsm.Dsl.State do
  use Diesel.Tag

  tag do
    attribute :name, kind: :atom, one_of: [:pending, :sent, :accepted, :declined]
    attribute :timeout, kind: :number, required: false
    child :on, min: 0

The :name attribute of any given tag is implicit. For example, the following notation:

state :pending do

is equivalent to:

state name: :pending do

The action tag

The action supports the name of an Elixir module as its only child:

defmodule MyApp.Fsm.Dsl.Action do
  use Diesel.Tag

  tag do
    child kind: :module, min: 1, max: 1

When there is a single child involved, the notation

action SomeModule

is equivalent to:

action do

The on tag

The on tag supports:

  • the name of the event, as an attribute
  • exactly one next child, as the next state
  • zero, one or multiple action modules to execute as part of the state transition
defmodule MyApp.Fsm.Dsl.On do
  use Diesel.Tag

  tag do
    attribute :event, kind: :atom
    child :next, min: 0, max: 1
    child :action, min: 0

The next tag

The next tag only supports the next state to transition to, as the name attribute:

defmodule MyApp.Fsm.Dsl.Next do
  use Diesel.Tag

  tag do
    attribute :state, kind: :atom, one_of: [:pending, :sent, :accepted, :declined]

Parsing the DSL

We can convert the resulting dsl into an alternative representation, for easier consumption during code generation.

For example, if we define a custom Transition struct to model state transitions:

defmodule MyApp.Fsm.Transition do
  @moduledoc """
  A custom representation of a state transition

  * `from` is the source state
  * `to` is the target state
  * `event` is the triggering event
  * `actions` is a list of Elixir modules to execute as side effects
  defstruct [:from, :to, :event, :actions]

then we can define a parser module that transforms the original raw definition (a tree of tuples) into a plain list of Transition structrs:

defmodule MyApp.Fsm do
  use Diesel,
    otp_app: ...,
    dsl: ...,
    parsers: [

Please check the Fsm.Parser module included in test/support/fsm.ex.

The :parsers key is optional. If omitted, a default parser will be used, by appending the Parser suffix to the caller module. The above example is equivalent to:

defmodule MyApp.Fsm do
  use Diesel,
    otp_app: ...,
    dsl: ...,

In reality, parsers are optional. If you wish to skip them entirely, you can set an empty list:

defmodule MyApp.Fsm do
  use Diesel,
    otp_app: ...,
    dsl: ...,
    parsers: []

Generating code

Once our state machine is parsed into a list of transitions, we can then generate any custom code of our choice and inject it into our MyApp.Fsm module.

Generated code is provided by implementations of the Diesel.Generator behaviour. A generator returns one or more Elixir quoted expressions from its generate/2 callback.

For example, in order to generate a diagram/0 function that returns a Graphviz diagram for our state machine, we could make use of module Fsm.Diagram, also included in test/support/fsm.ex:

defmodule MyApp.Fsm do
  use Diesel,
    otp_app: ...,
    dsl: ...,
    parsers: ...,
    generators: [